Feeling [M]

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This is where I'd usually put the 18+ content ahead warning but I know y'all don't give a fuck about those LMAO

C o l e

Well that's the last time I'm ever taking a walk in that district. I had decided to go on a longer walk after working out since it was my day off but seeing and having to save Noel really just ruined my whole day.

God had to be playing some kind of joke because seriously, what were the chances of that happening right in front of me?

I really did contemplate on whether or not I should do something, but the pathetic look on Noel's face made me feel bad and in that split moment, my morals overpowered my negative feelings towards him.

Why couldn't I have just ignored it?

Letting out a sigh, I knew I didn't want to think about it anymore but our argument kept bothering me. The way Noel continued to play victim and thought he shouldn't take any blame for what's happened in our lives irked my soul to the moon and back.

Sighing, I checked the time on my phone. It was getting dark out earlier now as we slowly entered fall and I could tell it was coming fast because the winds were pretty chilly today.

I managed to get home at a decent time and as soon as I walked in, Eros waved me over to him but stopped me before I could get too close. He had his laptop open on the coffee table and scrolled before looking at me.

"Do you prefer beaches or more of an outdoorsy setting?" He asked and though I was confused about the sudden question, I thought about it for a moment.

"Uh...I guess outdoors?" I said. I can swim perfectly fine but the beach wasn't really my thing, I just hated sand.

"Okay, how about balconies or patios?" Eros questioned.

"Patios...what is all this about?" I asked and Eros just gave me a secretive smile.

"Mm, it's a surprise for later. Now, time to change subjects. So about that Nixon guy, I had Mikhail do a background check on him and I hate to say it but he checks out" Eros said.

"Why? That's a good thing" I said as I walked over and sat down next to Eros.

"I may or may not have wanted to scare him a bit" Eros said with a mischievous look on his face as he grabbed my hand. His eyes widened upon touching them and he looked between me and my hand.

"You're cold as shit" Eros said as he put his other hand on top of my one in an attempt to warm it up.

"Yeah it's a bit cold outside. It's not summer anymore y'know?" I said, not even noticing the way Eros grew closer to me until I could smell the faint cologne that was coming from him.

"Eros?" I questioned but I didn't move away as Eros wrapped his arms around me.

"Everyone knows body heat is the best way to warm someone up" he said but for some reason, I felt like there was a less than innocent connotation coming from him.

And apparently I was right when I watched as Eros brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it, letting his lips linger as he looked to me.

"I'll warm you up if you want" he murmured.

"You don't have to ask..." I said and Eros smiled.

"It's just a habit" he said before reaching over and joining our lips.

The kiss he gave me was slow and gentle at first but it quickly turned into something heavier as Eros slipped his tongue into my mouth. I felt a bit shy with the sudden barrage of kissing but Eros didn't give me the chance to think about it as he grabbed my hair and tilted my neck to deepen the kiss.

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