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Tw: blood, violence

C o l e

It was far too early in the morning but I didn't really have time to complain as I was ushered by Eros to get myself ready. Eros had apparently addressed a note to Adler offering him a chance, the chance to apologize for his wrong doings, return whatever he extorted from other groups, and disband the Silver Fangs quietly.

It was really hard for me to believe that Eros was a mafia boss, he was acting like a peacemaker of some sorts. But in order to keep up his good looks with other groups, I guess this was a route to go as well, not everything had to end up in violence.

But specifically because these were the Silver Fangs, this definitely won't go down without a fight.

Eros had gathered all of the men he was bringing as well as me and the others in the garage of the condominium to give one last instruction before we left.

"Now, as you're all aware, these men do not like to play fair. If there is any kind of short cut or underhanded method to get out of this, they will not hesitate to take it so please be on your best guard. For those of you on backup, make sure that you're completely alone, I don't want what happened last time to happen again. I want all of us to leave out of this victorious and most important, alive. Keep an eye out for the signal and stay safe"

Everyone either nodded or gave a verbal word of understanding before dispersing to their respective vehicles, leaving Eros and the four of us behind.

"I hope this is the last time we have to do this kind of shit, I'm so tired of these guys" Harvey said with a sigh at the end of his sentence.

"We all are, which is why I fully intend to end it all today by whatever means necessary" Eros said, a deadly look in his eyes.

"Well, it's almost time. We should get going" Mikhail said and we all got in our assigned cars.

As always, I rode with Eros.

I shifted in my seat, not really feeling comfy with the amount of pressure on my chest right now. This bullet proof vest made the seatbelt feel like a constrictor and I sighed. I liked loose clothing better, it had much more breathing room, this was just restricting and annoying.

Eros was unusually silent the entire ride which made me think he was just brainstorming. Eros never really relaxed, I had learned that in our time being roommates. He was always thinking of something, even when it was early in the morning and he was enjoying his cup of coffee. They say humans hardly ever use more than 10% of their brain's capacity but if you ask me, Eros uses more than that every single day.

There was a lot of things I was learning about Eros, just through observation alone. For instance, the man didn't have a proper sleep schedule, well neither do I but his is bad. He doesn't sleep for more than 6 hours and often times, he falls asleep while doing work so I usually end up cleaning up for him and telling him to take his ass to bed. But yet he can still be fully functional thanks to his morning coffee.

He's sort of bad at taking care of himself in a way but he was a stickler for dental health, he never forgets to brush his teeth twice a day and maybe even three times if he feels he really needs it.

Why am I even thinking about this right now? Sighing, I shoved the thoughts out of my mind and turned my attention out the window, the scenery blurring by us.

When we arrived at the Silver Fangs manor, I couldn't help but be in awe. It was very beautiful, the exterior being completely white and it's front was covered in flowers with a fountain in front. The manor was about three stories high but had many rooms from what I could see, meaning a lot of people probably lived there.

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