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Tw: violence

C o l e

This fucking sucks.

It's been less than a week since I've been here, in fact, it's been four days and every single day I've nearly/have gotten into a fight here. I know I told Eros that he didn't have to explain but maybe I was slightly regretting it.

These people only saw the son of the man who killed their friend and wanted to murder him. Granted that is exactly what I am and they weren't aware of my predicament but it was still pretty annoying to have to continuously watch over my shoulder.

Today should be a little better though as Eros informed me of some kind of meeting he needed to attend and that it would be held in a restaurant. I didn't have any problems with it, I was all for eating great food on someone else's dime and I'd finally get to relax while I ate.

At least that's what I thought.

"God, it's so hot today" I grumbled as I pulled on the collar of my suit. I've worn suits on multiple occasions but that didn't make me like them one bit.

It was suffocating and on hot days, wearing a suit was the perfect way to die in the sun. I, for one, hated the heat and the fact that summer was rolling around faster and faster with each passing day didn't make me happy at all.

"We can get some ice cream later if you so wish it but for now, please try to hold your complaints in. The man we're about to meet doesn't take well to those who speak without being spoken too" Eros said as he continued to read over the menu in front of him.

I didn't even bother looking at the menu, it's all seafood, which I'm allergic to. I gave no complaints and just said that I wasn't hungry. Jokes on me for thinking I'd get to eat for free, the thought made me sigh.

"Oh, ice cream? Boss, you're sure feeling generous!" Harvey seemed excited at the idea.

Oh yeah, these guys are with us too.

It was only obvious that he'd bring them, as I was told by Mikhail that Harvey and Jamie are two of his best men. Mikhail didn't come with us because there was some other stuff to tend to apparently.

"The offer is for Cole only, and I doubt he's going to say yes so don't get your hopes up" Eros said and Jamie patted Harvey's shoulder when he pouted.

"I'll take you for some later" Jamie soothed.

Deciding that I was done listening to this, I shifted my eyes and took a look around. I saw a bunch of men sitting at a table not too far from us and some other tables occupied as well. The restaurant was pretty quiet, hardly anyone was talking. But then as I continued to look around something began to stick out.

A few things actually.

There was only men occupying the tables, though not every table was full, there was at least 2 or 4 to a table and I managed to count exactly twenty men in the room. Not a single woman seemed to be around, there weren't even any servers.

I could also feel that a lot of them seemed to look over at us every now and then, nodding occasionally and a sinking feeling began to fill in the pits of my stomach.

"Eros..." I started, calmly so that those watching us wouldn't get the idea that I'm suspicious.

"Yes, dear?" Eros said and my eyebrow twitched.

"Don't call me that" I spat and Eros chuckled.

"Why not?" He questions. Why did this fucker feel that he needed to make light of every situation we're in?

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