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C o l e

I had been walking for a while, but in my opinion not long enough. I wanted to put as much distance as I could between me and the estate. Only when it was completely dark, did I feel like I could actually go to the next motel I saw.

By now, there weren't many people out aside from the occasional stray or worker going home and after a few minutes, a sign saying motel caught my attention.

I headed towards it and at the desk was a young man watching something on his phone. When I stopped in front of him, he looked up at me and turned his phone off.

"Hey man" he greeted and I nodded.

"I'd like a room for one" I said and he nodded before opening a book and pushing it towards me.

"I just need you to put your name and contact information" He said and I nodded.

Everything I scribbled down into the book was fake obviously as I couldn't leave any traces of myself here or anywhere for that matter. Once filling it out the guy handed me a key as he told me my room number and I thanked him.

The room was a floor up and when I got in, the room was decently clean and though I wouldn't have complained if it wasn't, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

How tired I was, was all that was filling my mind and it took over my body as I threw my knife and things on the nightstand before throwing myself face first on to the bed. The bed was soft but not enough for the mattress to bounce back at me.

I let out a deep sigh.

What the hell was I going to do? My family would be home tomorrow and when they saw that I wasn't there, I had no idea how they'd react. Worry surely wouldn't be the first thing to cross their minds, maybe curiosity but after a while they'd likely get angry and when my family got angry, it wasn't good for anybody.

I could try to search for cheap bus tickets but if I took too long, I'd be found before I could even leave. I'd also have to figure out how to avoid my father's men that were pretty much everywhere and would be even more present around with my absence. Oh, and the Azure Dragons also wanted my head, how lovely.

First thing in the morning, I needed to go to a pawn store and pawn this jewelry so I could see how much cash I'd be dealing with for the next few days...

Letting out a tired yawn, I closed my eyes.

I continued to wonder how long I'd be free for. I had a very small window of escape as others were unaware that I was missing and also knew nothing of my current whereabouts. I better sleep so I can get out of here early.

Preparing myself to fall into a deep sleep, my eyes immediately flew open when I heard footsteps stopping in front of my door. It wasn't a cleaning worker as I would have heard their cart and keys so I quietly reached over to my knife that was on the nightstand.

Three sharp knocks sounded in the quiet room and I furrowed my brows.

Since when do killers knock?

"Noel Limosa, please open the door. I would very much like to have a chat" I immediately recognized the voice as the same man from back at the warehouse.

Their boss.

He still spoke as if he had all the time in the world and what's funny was that he actually seemed to have some kind of decency to not just come in blazing.

"You have three seconds to open this door before I kick it down. I'm not a patient man, if you haven't noticed" he called out again.

Never mind.


If I opened the door, I could take a bullet to the face and all of this stupid shit would have been for nothing. I could probably use the door as cover but I'm not sure how far that will get me. Or maybe he actually wanted to talk, however, about what is what I can't figure out...


If I didn't open the door, this crazy bastard will probably do as promised and cause a scene. I'd be prepared but now that I thought about it again, I was way too tired to have a coherent fight and I could slip up.


My hand twisted the door knob and with my knife tucked in my waistband, I opened the door.

The first thing that caught my attention was that there was a bandage on his nose, no thanks to my punch but it serves him right. He had changed out of his suit and was now in more casual clothing, likely wanting to blend in with his surroundings.

"How did you find me..." was the first thing I could get out as I gave a tired glare.

"Mm, well, as you figured there was a GPS on the car. Traffic cams, however, are also helpful little fellas" he said with a smile and walked past me.


"Let's have that chat now, shall we?"

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