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E r o s

"Boss, what the hell are you thinking?" I hummed in response as Jamie looked at me in disbelief.

In the room with me was two of my most trusted men, Jamie and Harvey, as well as my right hand man, Mikhail. I had just relayed to them, my desire to recruit Cole into the group and while Mikhail seemed to be processing it, Jamie and Harvey didn't seem to like the idea.

Well it's not their choice anyways.

"That son of a bitch's father murdered Preston! And you just want to let his kid waltz up in here? Become one of us?" Harvey asked and his eyes were wide, full of the confusion and bewilderment at my statement.

I could understand their feelings, really. Preston was a dear friend to everyone in this room. He did everything in his power to make sure we were all happy and safe, and vice versa. He's saved all our asses more times than anyone could count and yet he was so easily taken out by some asshole with a gun. Just thinking about it angered me but I kept my cool because if I was going to convince these idiots, angry was the last thing I needed to be.

"Normally, this is the part where I'd say I don't have to explain myself to you but seeing as this is a unique situation, I'll be honest. The man you kidnapped was not Noel Limosa" I started and that seemed to shut those two right on up.

"So who the fuck was he? Cause he sure looked a hell of a lot like him" Jamie said.

"He calls himself Noel's doppelgänger, but I believe he's Noel's brother and for whatever reason, Gabriel Limosa kept that under tight wraps. Other than that, I don't know much on the situation but I believe he'd be a good addition to our group" was what I said, but honestly I did have ulterior motives.

Let's call it my curiosity but something in me wanted to get to know Cole a bit more. I had looked in to Gabriel Limosa's family but I couldn't find any records what so ever of Cole, not even a birth certificate.

It was as if Cole didn't exist at all and I'm sure that is what Gabriel wanted. At first I thought it was to protect Cole, but from how I saw Cole react to my plans of killing his brother, I began to change my theory.

It made me wonder what Cole went through for him to not even feel an ounce of worry for his own brother. Or maybe his brother is just as bad as his father and that thought made me chuckle in disgust.

Gabriel Limosa seems to be as much of a shitty man as he projects himself to be.

"A good addition? That guy is fucking dangerous, what if he decides he wants to turn on us all of a sudden? You didn't see Ian after that kid was through with him. His blood was everywhere and if we hadn't gotten him to the doctor in time, he would have bled out. His wound needed over ten stitches" Jamie said and I could see Harvey wincing when hearing about it.

I shrugged.

"Mmm, well Ian can be an asshole sometimes. A little knocking on the head is nothing he can't handle" I said. Jamie said nothing because he knew to some degree, I was right.

"As for the turning on us part, I'm highly doubtful of it happening. If he joins us, he's pledging loyalty on his own accord. We're not his family, he has no obligation to us and he even expressed he'd sooner kill me than join us if given the opportunity. He also doesn't seem like the type to just...turn" I explained.

He was so shocked when I offered him to join as if the idea of leaving his group was unfathomable. Despite whatever his family did to him, he still probably never thought of betraying them. For some reason it made me think back to the warehouse, after he knocked me on my ass he could have easily put a bullet in me and ended this but he didn't. Even if he shot, it wasn't AT me, it was just to slow me down.

Some things Cole did will only make sense to him because he knows his reasons and I'm sure he won't explain himself if he doesn't want to.

After that, I had debated if I wanted to go after him but decided he'd lead us to him somehow cause of the fact he had one of our cars. Getting the traffic cam footage wasn't hard either, not with someone like Mikhail as your right hand man.

"Think of it as an 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend' kind of thing, yeah?" I said.

"I still don't like the idea" Harvey muttered.

"Are you saying that because you genuinely don't like the idea or because he did that to your face?" I asked and Harvey's injured face turned red at my questioning.

"You know my face is the only thing I have going for me" He muttered sourly and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, this chat is over. Go prepare the room as I told you before you decided this was a family meeting on your new step mother" I said and the two grumbled before leaving. Mikhail however stayed behind and I could tell that what he wanted to say was something he only wanted to speak with me about.

"Why?" The simple word fell out his mouth but I could already think of the multiple questions that were going to fall from his lips.

I'll be honest, Mikhail and I haven't known each other long, but I'd trust him with my life. He's never given me any reason not to and despite his less than intimidating physique, he's quite good with any weapon given to him. He's had my back numerous times no matter the situation and loyalty like that is hard to come by nowadays.

So you could say I respected what he had to say very much.

"Why go through the trouble? Why offer him anything? As you said before, he owes us nothing as do we him other than a bullet to his brother and father's heads" Mikhail asked, a frustrated look crossing his features.

"My need to know things is making me a bit selfish and I apologize. I'm just very curious as to how he came to his current predicament and I'd rather he tell me willingly than forcing him" I explained.

All of what I said was true, Cole seems to have only been treated as some kind of pawn in whatever fucked up game his father was hosting, I can tell that much from the short amount of time we spent in that room alone together.

"And how does him joining us have anything to do with it?" Mikhail said.

"Incentives. He doesn't have a birth certificate, Mikhail. He's a walking nobody, and I figured if I could have some way to keep him close to get the information I want, then why not?" I explained.

"So how are you gonna get him here if he doesn't want to do this? Kidnap him again?" Mikhail asked and I sighed.

I didn't even intend to kidnap Cole, I just wanted his brother, so of course I wasn't going to do that to Cole.

"I'm not the type of cruel and selfish man to simply kidnap and force the one I have an interest in to do something they don't want to. It's quite unbefitting and childish, no?" I said in response and Mikhail nodded.

"Did he seem convinced when you offered?" Mikhail asked and I couldn't but let out a dry chuckle.

"Not in the slightest" I said.

"Then how can you be so sure he'll agree to joining? What if his loyalty to his family is stronger than you thought?" Mikhail crossed his arms and waited for my answer.

"Hm...a feeling. And if he doesn't then I'll just have to try other methods to convince him" I said. Mikhail clearly didn't seem to think the same way as me and just shook his head.

"You're scary when you're like this" Mikhail said and I raised a brow.

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Determined" I let out a loud laugh at Mikhail's statement.

If there was one thing I could agree on that others hate about me is that I'm a persistent bastard and I won't rest until my curiosity is sated.

Kidnapping the WRONG Brother [MAN X MAN]Where stories live. Discover now