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[A/N]: I'm not about to butcher a beautiful language via google translate so anytime the characters are speaking to an Italian citizen, just assume it's in Italian unless stated otherwise. This will apply throughout the entire arc 👍 tried to make the chapter longer since it's more of a filler since I'm working on the main still ahhh

E r o s

"It's nine o'clock already. Wake up!" Harvey's consistent knocks on the door had me shoving my head under my pillow.

Sure I had heard him the first two times he knocked but I figured he'd give up and go back to his room, sadly that was not the case.

Annoyance filled me quickly as Harvey continued to be a disturbance, no not to the peace, but rather to me who was enjoying my sleep.

We've only been here for three days and I already want to send Harvey back to the states.

Cole's side of the bed was empty, which was not really unusual but I was surprised he still wanted to go out on his own even in a country he's not familiar with. It worried me a bit that he'd get lost but at the same time he's not a kid.

The door opening had me snapping my head towards it and in walked Cole and Harvey.

"Why'd you let him in?" I grumbled as I watched Cole walk over to me with a cup in his hand.

"I could hear him from the elevator and I'm sure others could hear him as well. Last thing we need is a noise complaint" Cole said, setting the cup down on the stand. The aroma of coffee reached me almost immediately and I smiled.

He's such an angel.

"I mean, I wouldn't be like this if you guys hadn't cancelled our plans. We were supposed to go out yesterday but you two decided that you just wanted to laze about all day" Harvey chided.

"We weren't just lazing about, we got pretty active" I said and Harvey raised a brow.

"Oh yeah? Doing what?" He asked and I almost let out a laugh. Harvey being the oblivious type sure was amusing but Cole didn't seem to think so as he glared at me, as if daring me to say anything.

So I opened my mouth anyways.

"Well, when two people love each other very much-" before I could finish, Cole slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Ignore him. We'll be ready in a few minutes so just wait for us okay?" Cole said and Harvey just gave us a weird look before nodding.

"Fine but you've got twenty minutes before I'm coming back" he said and turned around to walk out of the door.

Once the door closed behind him, Cole removed his hand.

"Really?" Cole asked and I chuckled.

"I couldn't help myself" I said and Cole just shook his head before walking off to one of the dressers, likely to get ready for our outing.

Harvey's restless behavior has lead us to heading out on a walk around the city for sightseeing. As soon as we were ready, we headed out into the frigid air of Italy, it was only the beginning of February so it's still quite cold.

The city was beautiful and bustling nonetheless, if anything just a tad bit crowded as many people walked down the busy streets. Trying to be lowkey was useless as Harvey's eyes were wide at every and anything, even Cole would stop and stare at certain stores every now and then.

The two surely were tourists.

"Oooh, that watch looks so cool" Harvey said as he showed Cole through the glass.

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