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After leaving Harvey with Cole, I told what was left of my men to start looking for Noel, albeit reluctantly.

This was the first time Cole had ever asked me, pleaded me, to do something for him. Although I'm extremely tempted to just say fuck it and leave his brother to fend for himself, Cole put his life on the line to save that imbecile. I was going to find Noel no matter what and he better not say anything that'll piss me off.

Out of curiosity though, I had headed up to the rooftop where Cole last was, just to see two bodies on the ground. I just needed to confirm for myself that Gabriel Limosa was dead and with the way he laid there, unmoving and in a pool of his own blood, said it all.

Although I would have liked to be the one to do it, Cole doing it seemed more right. For everything he put Cole through, the man had it coming to him, I was just relieved the job was finally done.

I heard the door opening from behind me and I saw one of my men approach me.

"We found Noel Limosa. He was hiding in one of the bedrooms" He said and I nodded.

He led me inside the house where on the hole filled couch, due to the bullets it took, sat Noel who was shivering.

"Good job" I said, nodding at the man and he left.

I glared at him, but more so directing it at the vest he was wearing. It was supposed to keep Cole protected but he gave it to this...dumbass.

My mood was plummeting with each second Noel was in front of me.

"W-What are you going to do to me?" He stuttered out, picking at his fingers as his eyes flitted to me.

"For right now, nothing but I can't guarantee to keep that promise if you piss me off" I said before bending down to match his eye level, giving a smile that held no warmth.

"But it seems you've already done that" I said and the demon on my shoulder cheered at the pale look that crossed Noel's face.

"Where's Cole...?" He asked in an attempt to change the conversation and I allowed it as I backed away, trying to withhold myself from having the urge to choke the living daylights out of him.

It irritated me greatly that after 23 years together, he chose now of all times to play the concerned brother.

"He's on his way to the hospital" I said and Noel's eyes widened.

"What? What happened to him?" He asked. I shoved my fists in my pockets as I bit my lip.

"He was shot" I said, the feeling of the words just leaving a bad taste in my mouth all together.

Noel stood up with a frantic but confused look on his face.

"So what are sitting around here for?" He asked.

"We were looking for you" I replied.

"Oh..." he trailed and and I couldn't help but think about how helpless he really was.

I can now sort of see why Cole did what he did, this man wouldn't last two seconds in the real world.

"Cole asked us to" I said before taking a step closer to which Noel took several back. It didn't bother me though, I wanted him to be afraid of me.

"And for your sake, you better hope Cole doesn't die in that hospital" I said, locking my eyes onto Noel's.

I had faith that he would pull through, this is Cole we're talking about after all but I couldn't stand the possible thought of him not living. I wouldn't be able to guarantee that I'd keep my sanity if that was the case.

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