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I was feeling many things right now. Confusion, embarrassment, nervousness, etc but most importantly, pain.

Sure I've been shot before but those bullets grazed me rather than actually hitting me. When that bullet hit my back, it felt like my soul left my body and I collapsed to the ground in pain.

It hurt like a bitch.

But now, the pain from the shot isn't the only thing that's been occupying my mind.

Eros telling me that he...liked me was something I never would have thought would come from him. He was unpredictable on a regular basis but right there and then, I felt like I truly didn't know who I was talking to.

Thinking about all those things he said about me made me get that foreign but now familiar ticklish feeling inside my stomach again and I wanted to punch my gut to make it stop but that would just add more pain that I didn't need.

I still couldn't understand it, or wrap my head around the fact that someone could actually have feelings for me. I have the personality of a rock, boring and uninteresting. My entire life I've lived as someone I'm not and while I didn't adapt Noel's personality, I never had time to gain one of my own.

Even now I still find it hard to express myself in ways that would help others define me as me.

Sighing, I decided to get out of my room and into the kitchen for something sweet to calm my nerves. I was by myself today since Eros and Mikhail had gone out to check out the new base house location.

Grabbing my something sweet, a cup of banana pudding, I sat on the couch and enjoyed it in silence. Nothing like a sweet treat to take my mind off of the pain that was throbbing in my back.

Though my silence was short lived when three raps on the door made me pause.

Harvey and Jamie did tend to come over but it was currently only nine in the morning and that's far too early for either of them. Getting up, I put my pudding on the table and headed over to the small intercom. Pressing the button, I saw a man that I'd never seen before waiting outside the door.

Who is that?

I was someone who believed heavily in stranger danger so I debated on whether or not I should say something. I watched as the man knocked again, waiting for an answer but when it didn't come, I noticed he started putting the pin in to the door.

What the fuck?

I ran and jumped behind the couch just as the door opened.

How the hell does this guy know the password to our door? Who the hell is he?

I heard the door closing and then footsteps walking towards my direction. They stopped when they were just in front of the couch.

"Pudding?" I heard the man mutter.

Deciding that now was the time to act, I jumped up from my spot and tackled the man, pinning him down in a matter of seconds. He looked at me in surprise but I just kept my glare on him.

"Who are you?" I questioned and the man's face went from shock to anger.

"Who am I? Who the fuck are you, you son of a bitch!" He said and struggled to get out of my grip. I tried to hold on as best as I could but the pain in my back was starting to bother me the more I strained.

"Wait a minute..." the man stopped and he took a good look at my face, which made me furrow my brow.

"You...!" His eyes widened and before I knew it, the guy managed to knock me off and I wheezed when I landed on my back.

Kidnapping the WRONG Brother [MAN X MAN]Where stories live. Discover now