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C o l e

"Are you naturally blonde?"


"I didn't think so, it doesn't really suit you"


"Are you an android? You don't smile at anything, it's kind of weird"

"Carter" Eros' sharp tone cut through the air as he sent a glare Carter's way. The kid just turned from me and gave Eros an innocent look.

"Yes, Eros?" He asked, his voice coming out light and airy so as to take away the fact that he was just insulting me a few seconds prior.

"Stop bothering him or I'll send you back to your manufacturer" Eros said, giving a smile of his own back to Carter who faltered.

"Fine" he grumbled.

"How long are you planning to keep up this charade?" Eros asked and Carter frowned.

"Charade? You think living with that woman is a game? It's fucking hell" Carter said.

"We've all had to do it" Eros said, turning his attention back to the paper he had been reading.

"Well I'm not like you guys, I'm not having that shit" Carter said and stood up as if to bolden his point.

"You're too young to work so what will you do to sustain yourself?" Eros asked. Carter froze up and looked away.

"...stay with you?" He said slowly and Eros just laughed.

"No" he said and Carter pouted.

"Whyyyy?" He whined.

"You don't think your mother knows you? It wouldn't surprise me if she already knew you were with me. You're just lucky she doesn't know where we are or else she'd have already sent Luci to come and drag you back" Eros said and Carter let out a groan of frustration.

"I hate her..." he said dejectedly as he slumped back down in his seat.

"Listen, her ways of raising us weren't exactly the best and I'm not defending her or anything but at the center of all that...craziness is love. She does what she does because she feels that's what's best for us. Don't hate her for it but I'm not saying you have to put up with it either" As Eros finished his sentence, Carter sat up and looked to him.

"So what are you saying?" He asked.

"I can ask a favor of someone but I can't guarantee they'll agree" Eros said and Carter's face brightened up like fireworks on the fourth of July.

Carter tried to ambush Eros in a hug but Eros merely stopped him with a hand to his head.

"It's not a permanent situation, you will eventually be going back. Just think of this as a little vacation, that's about as much as I can do for you" Eros explained and Carter sighed.

As the two continued to converse, something began nagging at me from the back of my mind.

"Aren't we...forgetting something?" I said and the two cousins turned to me.

"Like what?" Eros asked.

"Hm...I don't know" I said with a sigh.

"Well, if you can't remember it then it isn't important" Carter said.

That...can't be the case here.



H a r v e y

I can't fucking believe it. It would only be my shitty luck that I would end up stuck in an elevator with Jamie, now of all times.

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