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"We've been friends for so long it just doesn't make sense!" Harvey's constant rambling felt more like background noise as I continued to be in a daze, my cheeks hotter than ever.

The white ceiling above me had become blurry but interesting. Blurry and doubling at that, and I could only continue to think about how I ended up here.

~ a few hours earlier ~

Today was our first day off in a while and instead of spending it doing whatever, Harvey had come to drag me away under the pretense of 'hanging out'.

"When was the last time we had a day off?" Harvey, who had managed to whisk me out of the condo, continued to rant about time off as he led me back to his place.

I couldn't answer his question as I couldn't really remember our last day off either. The elevator let out a 'ding' as we reached our designated floor and Harvey continued his rant while we walked.

"You don't know, right? It's because it's been nothing but back to back bullshit for the past 4 months. We need some relaxation!" Harvey said.

Once making it into the apartment room, I watched Harvey head to the kitchen.

"And we're gonna get it in the rawest form" I heard him say which had me pursing my lips in suspicion.

"Please tell me you're not talking about drugs" I said and Harvey came back with two bottles of something.

"Alcohol" he finished as he slammed the bottles down on the coffee table.

I looked at the bottle that was on the table, not exactly feeling all too sure about this. Despite being past the age restriction, I've never had alcohol before and never have wanted to try it since I've seen what it does to people.

"Where is Jamie?" I asked in an attempt to move off this topic but my question only seem to put Harvey in a foul mood as he frowned.

"Don't know, don't care" was all he said before going back into the kitchen.

"Did something happen...?" I asked when Harvey came back with two glasses.

"Of course not. Why would you think something happened?" He asked but I just let the question become rhetorical since it seemed like a touchy subject at the moment and I didn't want to build on it.

"Don't worry, we won't drink too much. Just a little" Harvey said and had I known he was lying, I probably wouldn't have agreed.

But I did.

We were only a few drinks in and I was beginning to feel heat on my cheeks as well as the rest of my body. Harvey didn't seem deterred yet and that's when the questions started coming.

" like, about you and Eros" Harvey started and I raised a brow.

"It's kind of hard not to see that you guys like each other so I just have to ask. Are you guys together?" Harvey asked and I didn't hesitate to nod my head, not really seeing a reason to lie.

"Yeah..." I said and Harvey gained a surprised look on his face.

"Oh wow, for real? I thought I was wrong this entire time! How long?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Almost a month?" I said and the surprise from before was replaced with offense.

"And you guys never bothered to mention it?" Harvey said.

"Eros says a surprise is good every once in a while" I replied before looking at Harvey. He seemed like he wanted to ask something so I spoke in hopes of coaxing it out of him.

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