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Walking throughout the halls was a bit different today, I didn't get as many disgusted looks and someone even waved to me. I thought I was in the twilight zone for a moment, that's how weird it was.

I was actually more used to the nasty looks I got. It's not as if it bothered me, I was typically always with Eros and these people wouldn't act that way in front of him.

Honestly, I was hardly ever by myself around here, it's a new change considering I was always alone back at the estate. Harvey and Jamie were being friendly as per Eros' orders and the man himself constantly asked me to do things for him or with him. He treated me as more of a, how should I say, companion? Comrade? I wouldn't say was complicated.

Never mind that, the feeling of confusion filled me even more when someone smiled at me, albeit awkwardly.

Pushing the feeling off, I walked in to Eros' office. Whenever I was going to leave the manor, I was supposed to let him know and I had planned to go out for some fresh air but I stopped when I saw Eros nose deep in some binder.

"You're still in here?" I said as I stepped in.

"Yes, I'm currently sorting out some things that have been piled up no thanks to Harvey" He said as he scribbled something down in the binder.

This man has been sitting in here all day and surely hasn't moved, I could tell by the empty plate of whatever he had for breakfast left to the side.

It was now going well in to the evening...has he even eaten? Shaking my head, I left the room without saying anything and headed to the kitchen.

Thanking everything holy for the fact that it was empty, I looked around in the fridge for something I could make. When I spotted the ingredients for a quick and simple meal, I grabbed them out of the fridge and placed them on the counter.

Stir fried rice it is.

While preparing the meal, I enjoyed the peace and quiet I was having and it was only after I had finally finished cooking, that I heard footsteps entering the kitchen.

" are the last person I thought that would be in here" Mikhail said as he eyed the food I was plating.

"That smells really good. Mind if I try?" He asked and I shrugged.

"You can even have a plate if you want, there's enough" I said and Mikhail nodded.

Taking a spoon and scooping up some rice from the pan, Mikhail put the spoon in his mouth. His eyes seemed to light up as he hummed in delight.

"This is really good" he said, giving me a small smile.

"That's good" was all I said, well all I knew how to say. I wasn't complimented often so I was a bit awkward when receiving and accepting them.

"Who is the other plate for?" Mikhail asked.

"Eros. I don't think he's eaten in a while so I'm giving him this" I explained.

"I see. Thank you" he said and I raised a brow.

"For what?" I said.

"Looking out for him" Mikhail said, some kind of look in his eye that I couldn't quite describe.

"It's nothing like that..." I trailed off and Mikhail gave me a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah, okay" he said.

Shaking my head, I picked up the two plates and walked back to Eros' office where he was sure enough still sitting in that same spot.

"Here" I said, placing the plate in front of him. Eros looked between me and the plate in surprise.

"Did you...make this?" He asked.

"Eat" was all I said before taking the pen out of his hand and shoving a fork in it.

"I can eat later, I've still got—" Eros started but he was quickly cut off by the sound of his stomach growling.

"Are you really going to argue with me when your stomach is crying for help?" I asked and Eros chuckled.

"Alright then, you've got me" he said and pushed his papers to the side.

"Good" I said.

"You'll stay with me and eat, yes?" He asked. Though it was phrased as a question, I knew better than to think I had an option, so I pulled up a chair and placed my plate on the desk.

Digging in to my food, I watched as Eros picked at his which surprised me. I wouldn't have pegged him as the type to be a picky eater.

"Pushing your veggies away? What are you, a kid?" I said.

"It's not that I don't like them...I just don't really prefer these ones" Eros said, showing me a diced carrot.

"Have you even tried it?" I asked.

"No, it just looks unsightly" he said and I sighed.

"That's not a reason to not eat it. Here, try some" I said, scooping some of mine and holding it up to him.

"Uh...I" Eros' eyes widened as he stared at the spoonful but I wasn't going to let up. How could he decide he didn't like something without even trying it? It was ridiculous.

"I'm not taking no for an answer" I stated and that seemed to finally shake his resistance as he opened his mouth.

Taking the bite, Eros chewed slowly but no disgust crossed his face, in fact he seemed to have no problem eating it at all.

"See? Not that bad" I said, a smile falling on my lips as Eros swallowed.

"It's very delicious. I didn't think someone could make something so unsightly taste so well" he said, scooping up some of the food on his own plate and eating it happily.

"Well, I'm glad my cooking is appealing to you guys" I said. At my words, Eros paused and then a frown formed on his face.

"What?" I said, unsure of why he was suddenly upset.

"You said let other people eat your cooking. I thought I was the only one" He said and I could swear my jaw dropped on the ground.

He's such a kid...

"Why does that matter in the slightest? Just finish it so you won't go to bed hungry" I grumbled.

"..." Eros went quiet once again and I didn't even want to know what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"You'd make a lovely wife" Eros said, a smile etching across his face.


"...I'm a man"  I said but Eros didn't seem to be bothered at all.

"Ever heard of a male-wife?" He asked.

"No, now shut up and finish your food" I said and made emphasis by taking a bite of my own food.

After the two of us finished eating, I stacked our plates together before picking them up.

"I can't remember the last time someone cooked me a meal, thank you. I appreciate it very much" Eros said and I nodded.

"You've done...a lot for me despite me not having earned any of it. It's the least I can do" I explained and Eros hummed.

"You shouldn't thank me...really" Eros said and there was a tone in his voice that I'd never heard from him before.

Before I could say anything, a low vibrating sound came from the desk, it was Eros' phone ringing.

"Yes, Jamie?" He said. The way the aura around Eros went from warm to chilly in just a matter of seconds was very alarming.

"We're coming" was all he said before he hung up and stood up out of his seat.

Forgetting the dishes, I followed after Eros out of the room.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Somehow, by the grace of the devil, Francis is not in his cell and last time I checked, I didn't let him out" Eros seethed.

Well shit.

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