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C o l e

My footsteps were one of the few sounds echoing in the hall as I walked down them with my mop and bucket. Visiting hours have long since ended and most patients are either asleep or just watching their TV's quietly.

Other doctors have gone home while those on the night shift were wherever they needed to be. I continued to mop until reaching one of the rooms I planned to check out. Opening the door, I left my cart outside and entered. It was dark and obviously it needed to stay that way so I used the lowest setting on my phone's flashlight.

There was a cabinet of medicine inside and I flashed my light on it. There were lots of medicines with long ass names that I couldn't care to read for, but none of them were what I was looking for. It's pretty obvious that they wouldn't have that drug just out and about so I needed to think.

Suddenly the room was brightened with light and I cursed under my breath.

"What are you doing?" The scratchy voice came from that doctor I'd seen earlier. Turning, I eyed him as he came closer.

He had stopped right in front of me and took a good look at my face before backing away.

"I knew you didn't look familiar. Who are you?" He asked. There was no way I could jeopardize the mission by talking to this guy so I opted for ignoring him.

Pocketing my phone, I stepped to the side so I could walk away but Nixon didn't seem like he was going to let me slide.

"Hey, I'm talking to-" when he grabbed my shoulder, I used my other hand to hit his inner elbow before pushing him away.

"Touch me again and I'll kill you" I said, glaring at him so that he'd get the message just in case words weren't enough because for some reason they never are. I don't know what he wanted but I wasn't particularly interested in listening either.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. God damn..." he grumbled as he held his arm. Nixon cleared his throat before speaking again.

"Well seeing as you clearly aren't just a janitor, I'll be open with you. I'm a cop and I'm here investigating this hospital. We potentially could be on the same side" He said.

I can't say I wasn't surprised to learn that he was a UC but that didn't make the situation any better.

"What part of this looks like we're on the same side?" I said coldly. Nixon just sighed before scratching his head.

"Well, you're not taking anything that's for starters" he said.

"What's your name?" Nixon asked but once again I stayed quiet. Seeing as I wasn't going to answer, Nixon continued with a frown.

"Okay, well, my name is Floyd. Floyd Nixon" I wonder if he thought opening up to me would make me want to do the same. It wasn't working but I guess he's just trying to use whatever training he's had.

"You know about the patients, don't you? The ones that are dying after taking one dose of the chemotherapy administered here. You had to be looking for something regarding that, right?" Floyd asked and by then, I had already started walking to the door.

He followed.

"I wasn't" I said simply and this time Floyd laughed.

"So we are on the same side" he concluded and I stopped at the door, turning to give him a final glare.

"We're not" I stated.

"Just hear me out, maybe we can help each other" Floyd reasoned but I wouldn't listen as I opened the door and grabbed my cart.

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