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Even though I was finally having some time to sleep in after so many days of waking up at the ghastly hour of six in the morning, I still found myself awake. It was close to seven and I just stared at the wall, debating on whether or not I should will myself to go back to sleep.

"Mm..." Eros shifted in his place behind me and his grip on my waist tightened a bit.

"Eros...?" I muttered, feeling the man's lips rest in one spot on my nape. I had thought he was just drowsy as he leaned slightly against me but I soon felt his hands wandering and slithering up my shirt.

My eyebrow twitched when he cupped my chest and began squeezing it.

"What are you doing?" I grumbled as Eros freely groped me.

"They're so firm...it feels nice" he muttered and I really began to wonder if he hit his head or something last night on the way to bed.

"Why do you feel the need to grope me at seven in the morning...?" I asked but Eros just continued to feel me up.

"They were calling to me. What am I supposed to do? Ignore it?" Eros voice was still dripping with sleep as he asked that.

"The only call you need is a wake up call" I muttered before sitting up.

"I'm up..." Eros muttered as he rose up.

"As much as it'd be nice to stay in, we have somewhere to be" Eros said and I watched as he got out of the bed.

"Somewhere to be?" I asked. It was the first I'd heard of it and Eros usually always informs us before hand whenever something was coming up.

"Yes, I have a rather nosy woman in my life who wishes to meet you so very badly" Eros explained and I gave a surprised look.

Someone he knew wanted to meet me? Why?

"I see...is there a reason you didn't tell me sooner?" I asked as I got myself ready.

"Well, I didn't even know she knew about you until yesterday. Mikhail apparently gossips about us during their over the phone tea parties" he said.

Wow, Mikhail. It didn't sound like him but then again, it totally did. He did tend to be privy with knowledge that others think are a secret. It's no wonder he's so good at what he does.

Once we got ready, we headed down to the car and while I was buckling myself in, Eros looked to me.

"You can sleep some more, if you'd like. The house is about an hour and a half drive from here" he said and I nodded.

I wasn't sure if I would take him up on the offer but I just settled for looking out the window as Eros drove for now.

I wonder who this person was. Was she a friend? Family?

"What's this person like?" I asked.

Eros was quiet for a few moments, probably trying to think of a suitable way to describe the woman he mentioned.

"She's pretty difficult to deal with if you aren't used to her personality. The best way I can sum her up though? If she likes you, it's a bad thing, same goes for if she doesn't. There's really no poison to pick there. She's also an overbearing worry wart who loves with an iron fist, and at times, that is not a metaphor" Eros started.

"In that house, there is one major rule that goes for anyone who lives there" Eros looked at me slightly before looking back to the road.

"The only way you can leave is if you prove that you can survive outside of the house. I had to fight tooth and nail to establish my own sort of independence and even now that woman still bugs me to death" he explained.

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