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E r o s

I don't like this.

I know Auntie Leila isn't a secretive person so it bothered me quite a bit that she wanted to talk to Cole in private. It was always something whenever I came to this house, it's why I mainly kept my communication to phone calls.

"Eros, you're impatient as ever. It's only been a few minutes" Alec was the first to point out my less than pleasant mood.

Alec was the second youngest of my aunt's children with Ray being the oldest and Carter obviously the youngest. They also had a sister, Karina who was older than Alec, but she didn't seem to be in at the moment.

"You know as well as I do that that woman does as she pleases. I'm just worried she might do something unnecessary" I said and Ray nodded in agreement.

"True, our mother is full of surprises" He said.

"That hag is fucking crazy" Carter grumbled. He was thrown in the room by Luci not too long ago and we were told to keep an eye on him. Not that we actually were but he hasn't tried to leave or anything anyways.

"Who taught you to swear like that? Honestly, this is why she's always on your case" Alec said and Carter rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gonna be molded into some perfect doll just cause she thinks it's 'proper'. I can be who I want without her stupid lessons" He said. We all looked at one another at his words.

"Can't believe some fourteen year old is holding out longer than us" Ray said.

While it is true that we all eventually crumbled under Auntie Leila's pressuring, it's not as if we saw it as us being dolls. She forced her ideals on to us because she thought it was what we needed in order to survive and as kids there wasn't much we could do about it, but that didn't really make the problematic side of it go away.

"Well it's not my fault you guys are pussies. Not you though Eros, just them" Carter said as he flashed an angelic smile at me.

Seeing his brothers offended looks only made me want to laugh. I'm not sure when Carter grew so attached to me but seeing as I was the only one who didn't baby him or scold him (because that's not my job), I could see why he'd want to be around me more.

"Your blatant favoritism is really hurtful" Ray said and Alec nodded.

"Yeah, we're your brothers for crying out loud, where's our love?" He said.

"Right here" Carter said while flipping a bird at the two.

"Brat" The two said in unison and Carter just kept his nose turned up.

Shaking my head, I turned to Ray.

"Where's Karina?" I asked.

"She's out with her friends. I doubt she's going to come back in time enough to see whatever scheme mother is planning" he said.

Just then, we heard the clacking of heels coming in our direction.

"Speak of the devil" Carter muttered.

As Auntie Leila walked over, I had quickly noticed that Cole wasn't with her and that bad feeling from earlier only resurfaced.

"Where is Cole?" I asked as I stepped up to her.

"With Luci" she said nonchalantly.

"What? Why?" I asked and the next words that came out of her mouth made me wish I'd ignored her calls just a bit longer.

"Because I've decided that he's going to show if he's really got what it takes to be your partner" she said and though the room was already quiet, it felt like the silence became deafening to me.

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