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It's been exactly a week and two days since I've last seen Eros' face and a part of me was hoping that I'd seen the last of him but when I walked back to my hotel and saw a particularly expensive looking car in the lot of the run down motel, I knew my hopes were too damn good to be true.

If I was being honest I gave his offer more thought than I would have liked to but every time I did, it just ended up in me weighing out the pros and cons and only coming up with cons.

Surprisingly enough, none of my father's men have tried to track me down and that could only mean one of two things. One being they don't care and they're actually letting me go (haha yeah right) and two being they haven't realized that I'm gone yet. Though I have also been spending each night in a different motel and using different names to keep myself from being found just in case.

Heaving a sigh, I walked as far as possible from the car just in case the man I was dreading to see was in there but that was completely unnecessary because when I got to my door, he was standing there with one foot propped up against the wall and his hands in his pockets.

How long has he been standing there? I hope it wasn't too— wait, why did I care how long he's been standing out here? If anything I should have wanted him to wait longer, maybe he'd get frustrated and leave.

"Are you going to come over here or continue to stare?" Eros question and turned his head to look at me.

I'd really rather not be within 10 feet of him but as fate would have it, it seems to be impossible. Maybe if I manifested it hard enough, he'd disappear in to thin air.

Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go awa-

"I won't disappear simply because you will me too" Eros said with a chuckle as he pushed himself off the wall.

Fuck, how did he know?

"Your face may not be expressive but your body language is saying it all. The way you're so far from me as though I'd snatch you's telltale really" Eros explained after once again somehow reading my mind.

"Fuck off..." I grumbled before coming closer to unlock my door. I left it open as I walked in, assuming Eros would just invite himself in anyways like the other night but even after I put my things down, he was still standing at the threshold.

"What the hell are you just standing there for?" I asked.

"I want you to invite me in" Eros said.

What the fuck? Deciding I didn't want to deal with his antics, I just complied with his wish.

"Get in or stay out" I said bluntly and Eros gave a sigh as if he were disappointed.

"You lack manners" he said and walked in before closing the door behind him.

The only "manners" I've practiced is giving someone a swift death to prevent them from suffering. Other than that, basic manners were kind of out the window.

I ignored him and just sat down at the table. Eros joined me and for a moment the two of us stared at one another, just like the other night. I wasn't particularly intimidated by his stare but I did have to admit that it got a little uncomfortable after a while. Those eyes saw many things and right now it felt as if they were staring into the very foundation my being.

"I trust you've thought about my offer?" Eros started and I stayed silent for a moment before nodding my head.

"That's wonderful, naturally I am not pressuring you to do anything you don't wish to" He said and I was actually surprised to hear that but didn't let it sway me. I just had to wait for the catch.

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