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[A/N] psst, sorry for the single chapter the other one will be updated tomorrow! I was super busy today so I only had time to finish this one up ahhh

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and hydrated! 😌

E r o s

Am I glowing?

Probably not but the marks on my skin certainly seemed to be. The bright red marks Cole left behind were nothing to sneeze at but unlike me who never really remembered to place them in an inconspicuous place, Cole's were all below my collar bone.

He could have left a few a bit higher and give me something to brag about but oh well. Thinking about him made me remember what happened a little earlier.

I was trying to get out of bed but only managed to stumble out before falling to the ground and Cole thought I had hurt myself. The worried expression on his face as he rushed out of bed to help me was just so cute, I wanted to tease him but the pain in my back was keeping me from doing so.

I was feeling a bit better after my shower and now I was totally ready for something to eat since we had pretty much spent most of the afternoon fooling around and it was now evening.

I was surprised Harvey hadn't barged in here at some point since he usually did that, he gets pretty bored in his room and comes to bother us for entertainment.

As Cole was in the shower, I checked my phone and saw a message from Alistair.

'Rocco has set the next meeting date for Friday, I'll have Renard text you the details of the location. I'll be in a call meeting before ours so I won't be able to travel with you this time'

Sighing, I replied before turning my phone off. I didn't need that guy having my number but I held my tongue since that's all I could really do in this situation.

Renard hadn't really done much since his initial taunting and I wasn't exactly sure what he was waiting on, but I refused to put anything past him. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me on edge, I couldn't be bothered to sit here and worry about when he's going to strike.

I just wanted this trip to end, the month was almost finished with only a week and a half left so hopefully that time will sail quickly.

Hearing the door open, I turned to Cole to see if he was ready and I nearly dropped my phone in shock when Cole appeared with just a towel wrapped around his waist, droplets of water trailing down his beautiful form as he headed to one of the drawers.

I guess he forgot to grab clothes before going in but he wasn't gonna need them in a minute or so.

Shaking my head, I scolded myself. We're supposed to be getting something to eat and I already made the decision of choosing sex over food earlier. I couldn't do that again...or could I?

Once again, the scales in my mind were struggling to make their decision. Sin on one side and food on the other but I tried not to let the scale tip to the wrong side as I tore my eyes away from Cole.

My carnal desires were hard to keep at bay but out of respect for our stomachs, I forced myself to shove them away.

Good job, Eros, good job.

~ Friday ~

"Are you kiddies ready?" Harvey asked as he approached us.

"Need I remind you that I'm older than you?" I said with a raised brow and Harvey snorted.

"Age doesn't matter if you've got the mind of a kid" Harvey said and I deadpanned.

"You would know about that, wouldn't you?" I said and Harvey just stuck his nose up.

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