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"Caleb!" Harvey called out to the new addition as soon as he walked through the door.

Eros thought it would be important to have him and Jamie here when Caleb explained everything so we had called them over.

"Hey, V" Caleb said and the two hugged.

"Jamie" Caleb gave a nonchalant look to Jamie who just stared back at him.

"Caleb" he said monotonously.

I was sensing some kind of tension between the two and I could tell that they didn't really get along.

"Are you guys still mad at each other? Come on, this is stupid. It's been five years!" Harvey said as he looked between the two.

"Just take a seat" Eros said and Harvey frowned but did as he was told.

"Whenever you're ready" Eros said and Caleb nodded.

"That day when Preston was killed, I couldn't believe it. He was right next to me one minute and then gone the next..." Caleb started, his eyes darting to his palms that were clasped tightly between his legs.

"A day or two later, I went back to the bar and asked for the footage from that night" he said.

"And they just gave it to you?" Harvey asked.

"A gun is pretty persuasive don't you think?" Caleb said in response. Harvey just rolled his eyes before giving him the signal to continue.

"The footage from the cams showed this car in the vicinity" Caleb took out his phone and passed me the phone. I immediately recognized it as one of my father's, the black Hyundai acting sort of incognito as it was parked near the fence of the lot.

"When I was searching for matches to the license plate, I found this same car at one of the city's hospitals a few days prior to Preston's death" Caleb explain and I handed the phone on to Eros.

"Wait a minute, this is Grayson Memorial. Isn't that...?" Eros trailed off when Caleb nodded.

"Yeah, it's the hospital Ali died in" he confirmed.

"Ali was Preston's wife. She had cancer so she was constantly in and out of that hospital" Mikhail explained for me and I nodded.

"They told us that she could try their chemotherapy and obviously we wanted her to get better so we did but it was the worst mistake of our lives. They said her body had a reaction to the meds they had put in her IV and she suffered a heart attack that she didn't survive" Caleb said before sitting back and taking a breath.

I could only imagine how hard it must be for him to be reliving the deaths of his sister in law and his brother all in one sitting.

"Preston didn't believe that something that's supposed to help her, could just kill her instantly. She had only gone through one IV bag after all. There was an older woman that day, she was consoling him at the time and apparently, the same thing had happened to her husband. That's all I can really tell you from my perspective but knowing Preston, it's likely he looked deeper into it. I think he even managed to steal a sample of the medicine from the hospital" Caleb said and fished around in his pocket for something.

"As soon as we got to the bar, he slipped this in my hand. I think he knew they were coming" Caleb said as he handed the paper off to Eros.

"These numbers, are they a combination code?" Eros asked and Caleb nodded.

"It's the combination to some kind of lock. Thing is, I don't know what it's to" He said.

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