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"Oh I missed a spot" Harvey muttered before running the alcohol wipe over another cut on my hand. It stung but I've felt worse so it didn't bother me much.

"Can't believe you guys went to a bar and had this much fun" Harvey complained.

"You think being in a bar fight is fun?" I asked and Harvey cackled.

"Of course! I'm always one for a good time" he said and I sighed.

Flashbacks from last night were starting to form and my head pounded at the memories.

~ Last Night ~

Anyone who didn't want a piece of all the action was already long gone by now and it was just a bunch of slightly or fully drunk guys beating the shit out of each other. Eros and I tried not to partake as much as we could but if we were going to make it over to Francis, who seemed to be panicking despite being guarded like an armory, we'd need to bash some heads.

A guy bumped in to me and when he turned, his eyes were full of drunken anger as he tried to full on punch me so I backed up and kicked one of the chairs into him. Stepping on the seat, I kneed him in the chin before kicking him back, making myself fall from the chair but I landed on my feet albeit wobbly.

Pushing some guys out of the way, I could see Eros was leagues ahead of me as he coolly dodged any wrongly aimed hits. How he does it is beyond me...

Up ahead, Francis' bodyguards were fighting off other guys and trying to make their way to an exit. There was so much going on but when I looked at the empty bar, I already figured out my solution.

Hopping on the bar and grabbing a top shelf liquor bottle, I walked across the bar and when I came to the end, I stopped and aimed the bottle at one of the guard's head. After throwing it, I hopped down and when I heard glass shattering, I knew my hit had made its mark.

There was only four guards, nothing bad since one of them were already out cold on the ground from my liquor toss earlier.

I ran up through the clear path to one of the guards and used a chair as a boost before jumping and catching the guy's head in my legs and swinging him to the ground. Using my legs to keep him in place, I sat up and began to punch him, knocking him out with just a few.

Next to me, Eros casually grabbed the last guard standing by the neck and with one arm, he began to choke the guy until he was out on the ground.

"Hey, Frankie. I missed you the other day" Eros said after he was finished and Francis stood there, staring at Eros in horror.

"I-I-I...! Y-You crazy bastard!" Francis cried as he backed away but I stood behind him so he couldn't run and when he bumped into me he shrieked.

His head darted between me, Eros, and his unconscious bodyguards.

"Since you stood me up with no notice, consider this your rain check" Eros said before bringing his hand to the back of Francis' head and smashing it into the table.

~ Present ~

"Okaayyy all done! You can pay in cash" Harvey said, holding his hand out and I looked at him with a raised brow.

"How about I break some fingers so I can return the favor?" I said and Harvey let out a nervous laugh.

"Just kidding~ no need to be so serious" he said and I sighed. I was tired and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed to sleep the fatigue off but each day is a working day here.

Kidnapping the WRONG Brother [MAN X MAN]Where stories live. Discover now