Research [M]

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[A/N] Aaaaand here is the last of Eros' POV for a while. Hope you guys enjoyed the mind of Eros 👍 And from that, arises a question! Who's POV do you guys like more and why?

Also, it was recently brought to my attention that KTWB hit #1 in the manxman category? I had no idea but I'm super happy and I thank you guys for all your continuous support!!

18+ warning...? Nvm (jk still a warning)

E r o s

In between all of my unreleased annoyance and stress being built up, I found myself spending the last of our time in Italy with a serious headache.

Having to explain to Alistair the situation in place of Renard who couldn't suck up his pride for five seconds to admit that he was wrong was a nuisance of it's own. Alistair took Renard off the deal but Rocco still didn't want me apart of it which was fine by me. Good riddance to him and that pathetic bastard Renard.

Eventually though, once we were back in the states it was as if that pain lifted and I felt much, much better. As soon as we got home, Jamie had snatched Harvey up quicker than we could blink, barely even welcoming Cole and I back as well.

I could understand though, I'd be the same if I were in his position.

My social battery was broken beyond repair and would take a long time fix itself, a few days away from the world was very much needed. Walking into the house felt like heaven, the comfort of our home bringing me nothing but joy as I ditched my bags at the door and sunk myself into the sofa.

I missed it so much.

"Cole, c'mere" I said as I motioned for him to come closer.

When he was within arms reach, I grabbed his hand and tugged him down on to the couch with me, arms encircling his waist while burying my face in his shoulder.

"Isn't it so good to be home?" I said and Cole nodded.

"Yeah" he said and we fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying the other's company. We were tired from the long flight so this moment to rest was very much so needed.

If I could stay like this forever, I really would. Cole's presence soothed me like no other and I only wanted to bask in it for as long as I could.

"Oh yeah" Cole suddenly got up and I frowned at the loss of his warmth. That wasn't long...what was more important than our cuddling session?

Cole had gone over to his bags and went searching for something before taking it out. He came back over with the rectangular box, wrapped in a dark blue wrapping paper with my name written on it.

"What is this?" I asked as he handed the box to me.

"Why don't you open it and find out?" Cole said and I gave a playful glare.

"I got it done when Harvey and I went out together" Cole said as I tore the wrapping paper off.

Taking the top off of the box, inside was a picture frame with a picture of Cole and I, it was while we were in Italy and I had made him take a picture with me during one of the days we went to sight see, our smiles both being prominent in the picture.

Engraved on the corner of the frame was 'ti amo - Cole' and I could feel my heart melting into a little puddle. There was so much love for Cole pumping all throughout my body and it did kind of make me emotional.

This was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

"I figured it'd be fine to give it to you now since it's only a day early. Happy birthday" Cole said, a smile falling on his face as he peered at me.

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