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'How to know if you like someone'

I stared at the title of the article on my phone with great suspicion. I knew it wasn't always good to believe what you read on the Internet but right now it was my only source of advice. I found it far too awkward to ask anyone so researching in private was my best idea.

'You may often get a funny feeling in your stomach when being around them, like butterflies are fluttering inside'

So that's what that feeling was? I put a hand to my stomach as I remembered the times it would feel strange when Eros was around. It didn't happen every time but it's happened enough times for me to notice it.

'You also may start to notice the little things they do and you can't help but think it's endearing'

Well, I don't know if his inability to eat carrots was something I'd find endearing, but it made me want to laugh whenever I think about how someone so mature could have such a childish dislike. I guess it was...kind of cute.

'Wanting to be close isn't unusual and you might even begin to crave their touch; finding comfort in it'

Crave his touch?

As in like...holding his hand?

Looking at my hand, I opened it and closed it. I've held Eros' hand before, never thought much of it given that it was just a handshake but now I was curious.

Pausing, a thought occurred to me.

I've never actively sought out another's touch, it wasn't really something I wanted to do. Thinking about the times when I did...they weren't necessarily pleasant. I don't think I've ever wanted to hug my father or my brother. At first I wanted to be close with my mother (well, my father's wife) but she hated when I would talk to her or ask her to do anything and over time I stopped talking to her altogether.

I could remember wanting to celebrate her birthday and had made her a gift but she slapped it out of my hands and just glared at me as if my gift was dirt.

So yeah, with those people it was a hell no.

But with Eros, I don't think I would mind it that much. He's touched me before, and at first I may have been a little put off to the foreign touch but now that I've grown used to his presence I think it'd be okay.

Only one way to find out.

Walking out of my room, I noticed Eros wasn't in any of the main rooms of the condo so I went to his room and knocked on the door. When getting the okay to come in, I walked in.

"Eros" I called and Eros looked up at me from his laptop.

"Yes?" I took a seat on his bed and then asked him to sit with me.

Taking a quick breath and bracing myself, I looked him in the eye.

"I want you to touch me" I said.

The way Eros turned still as a statue made me a bit worried, maybe I was a bit too forward? I mean, it was only on the hand. But then again, I didn't specify that.

"What?" He said after a few moments.

"Can you touch my hand?" I asked specifically as I held my hand out.

A sigh fell from Eros as he put his hand to his chest and I couldn't help but wonder if I scared him with my request.

"God is trying to test me..." he muttered before grabbing my hand. Calloused and warm was the feeling I got and I gripped his bigger hand with my own. I did have to admit that just holding his hand made me a bit nervous, but I didn't hate it. It was warm...

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