Chapter 3: Evening

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Chapter 3: Evening

The queue stretched for half a shop. And there was probably nothing surprising about that. A lazy man at the cash register was probably the worst thing that could happen to Judy and Nick that day. When Flash was stopped by them he was legally given a $500 fine (practically the highest fine possible in Zootopia). Sloth decided not to pay the fine, causing the case to go to court. Flash worked in a government office, so he faced a minimum one-year suspension. Nick tried a couple of times to convince Judy to change some facts so that his friend wouldn't get such a harsh punishment. Rabbit agreed, but it was unnecessary because Flash, to everyone's surprise, admitted that he had been speeding. Luckily for him, he got the smallest possible punishment, a year's suspension from the profession. As you can see, he didn't take it too well, because he quickly found a replacement job and, to Nick and Judy's misfortune, it was in a shop... in a toy shop.

"You know...thanks for helping me pick out the presents," Judy said. She appreciated every gesture from the fox, even though it was no big deal to him.

"No problem carrot, after all who if not me knows about rabbits" laughed Nick. The queue started to move forward in time, but it was going very slowly. I don't think anyone was even counting how long they were queuing because they guessed that they would be queuing for at least a couple of hours. That was to be expected.

In fact Nick was able to take his place in the queue so that Judy could pick out presents for her family in peace, it was really hard to predict that exactly Flash would be working here.

After 3 hours of waiting, Judy and Nick were finally second and the person in front of her was already finishing wrapping presents. Even though they had waited so long in line, they would probably have to wait even longer for Flash to scan all the products. It was preparing to be a long wait again.

"Ok Nick, just please , don't start a conversation with him, I still have so many things to do" asked Judy to which Nick responded with his ironic laugh.

"Hmm, I actually have a funny joke in my head..."

"Please Nick, I have a train tomorrow morning, you know that " asked Judy, her splashy big eyes and her beautiful intense violet eyes were something Nick could not convince. He sighed and nodded with a slight smile.

"Relax Karotka, just kidding, I don't want to wait here for so many hours myself" replied Nick. Eventually it was their turn. Nick started lining up the goods with Judy on the conveyor belt for Flash to start scanning them immediately. They didn't want the sloth to recognise them, but that distinctive snout of Nick's was too plain not to remember.

"Nick!" said the sloth, opening his mouth wide and laughing a slow laugh (as befits a sloth).

"Agh!" sighed Judy tapping her head against the trolley frame. The plan had backfired. They had wasted several precious minutes in a conversation that would normally have been over in less than a minute.

"Howdy Flash! I didn't know you worked here ?" replied Nick stopping to pack the goods for a moment.

" I found... another..."

"A job?"

"A job..."

"Well, you can scan..."



"I complain..."

"Can you scan the products?"


"Well, I'm glad, now please scan these presents, I'm in a bit of a hurry " laughed the fox nervously seeing the sinister look on Judy's face. He guessed that she wasn't happy that Flash recognised them. Nick wasn't too happy either, but he couldn't just ignore his friend.

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