Chapter 32: Kilometres

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Chapter 32: Kilometres

As Nick left the café to head for his car, the fox remembered Judy, who had stayed at the flat. He hadn't anticipated that it would be at this hour that the command would approach them with a new assignment, although it wasn't something Nick could feel surprised about. His police work had already taught him that as a policeman, he had to be ready at a moment's notice because he could be called when he least expected it. When the fox took out his phone he saw a message from his girlfriend, he curiously read it unlocking his phone.
"Go to the station, I'm taking the bus" Nick read quietly then put the phone away. He felt stupid for leaving his girlfriend in this situation, but he had no choice. Thinking no more about it, he got into his car and drove away from the meeting point.

Half an hour later

After half an hour on the road, Nick Stopped in front of the large building of the police station where the police officers were operating. Fox got out of the car and hurriedly made his way to the main entrance of the architecture. As he stepped inside the building he noticed Judy at the front desk talking to James, the new recpec boyfriend.
"Judy!" Cried Nick drawing the rabbit's attention. Her sound sensitive ears picked up a familiar voice and she turned towards the sound and noticed a familiar face. A smile of pity and understanding appeared on her face.
"I'm so sorry...sorry."
"That's okay, you didn't know we would be called just now. And in the meantime I had a little chat with James" Judy explained. Nick glanced at the boy behind the desk. He looked much better than last night. There was finally a smile on his face that was light, but genuine and warm.
"I hope you're used to the commander by now," Nick said.
"Sure, believe me I'm not the only one you've told about least I know he's like that to everyone. Speaking of him, he's waiting for you and Caroline in the courtroom, you were supposed to go there as soon as possible" the boy communicated pointing with his hand towards the east corridor.
"Thanks, see you later" replied Nick with Judy, they headed towards the corridor where the door to the courtroom was located.

Entering the room, Caroline stood at the desk as she had the day before, together with the Commandant, who held a file in their hands. Already at the entrance Caroline greeted Nick with a modest smile, which the boy noticed along with Judy, who despite the bad emotions rising again tried not to pay attention to it.
"Good morning, please sit down, we have a new assignment for you" Commander Bogo communicated. Nick and Judy took their seats next to each other curiously looking at the files that were in the commanders hands.
"You have probably seen what the situation is in the fox district. Has anything improved?" Commander Bogo asked himself.
"Disregarding the angry people and the flying flares it's really normal, you don't see any paranormal action" replied Nick ironically. The commandant laughed at his commandant, opened the file and put on his glasses while giving out a grunt to get his attention.
"Now seriously. After analyzing your data that you brought, we noticed that people are disappearing in the Riverstreet area. We don't know what's going on there, or what might be going on, but we do know one thing. This place needs to be checked, that is our priority at this time. We don't want to introduce any brute force at this time. Today we want you to look around the area, to penetrate even the darkest corners. You are to survey the entire area. The military is currently trying to divert people to another part of the city so that you have free access to the street, and so that you are safe." The commander communicated. He handed the file to Judy, who looked through the documents after receiving the folder. She noticed several photos of the street, from nearby surveillance, and the names of shops and restaurants that were registered on the street.
"Under the fox grove," Judy thought. The name brought to mind Angel, who had mentioned this restaurant last night. She had mentioned something about her husband supposedly staying there.
She wasn't entirely sure if that could be a clue, but she decided to remember the name just in case.
"So the usual patrol around the neighborhood today?" Nick asked.
"Yes, the usual patrol," nodded the commander.
"That's all. Come back when you've got the information, we'll be waiting for you" Caroline communicated. After a short deliberation, Judy and Nick left the courtrooms leaving the two commanders alone.

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