Chapter 54: Plan

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Chapter 54: Plan

"So what's your plan Judy?" Bogo asked as the three of them gathered in the courtroom. They were practically alone, it was still early for anyone to want to come here to meet. At this time there was usually a changing of the guard, those who patrolled the city at night could go to bed and, those who were free at night would arrive at the police station to start their guard.

"Quite simple. Just to be sure, the ceremony will take place in the nature museum in the centre of the city correct?"

"Yes, exactly where you and Nick managed to foil the Bellwether attack," confirmed Commander Bogo.

"Good. So, you know, if there are a lot of influential foxes at the gathering you know the kidnapper will be there too. He's not kidnapping a random guy, that's not why he raided the rich streets. I bet they all have something in common."

"The question is what? Everyone who was interviewed said they didn't know what could have happened. They behaved normally, zero strange behaviour that would be suspicious. Besides, if he's only raiding the mostly rich streets, why would he kidnap Nick?" Caroline asked.

"That's something I can't really explain, also he could have just as well taken me and he just took Nick, who is a fox..."

"Okay, Judy. Go back to your plan Judy," Bogo interrupted them. Caroline burbled something under her breath, but didn't interrupt for the doe, who laid out a map of the city of Zootopia on a green board.

"All right. This is a map of our city. The museum where the event will take place is about three to four kilometres from where we are now. So we have enough vehicles to catch him if he wants to escape once he's kidnapped someone."

"Okay, but you know he can't cart anyone off, we can't let him just destroy the whole party like that!" Denied Caroline. Judy calmly and confidently continued her argument as Bogo reassured Caroline again.

"Well, that's exactly what it is, not exactly. My plan is to trick him into poisoning the whole room, then we'll walk the guests out, it's possible he'll try to kidnap someone, and we'll then be ready to capture him!"

"Hm...sounds quite interesting, but how are we supposed to be ready if we are also going to be under the influence of gas?" Commander Bogo asked.

"It's quite simple. We'll be carrying gas masks, when we put them on we'll be able to quickly locate and attack him. And it will all start when I give the signal."

"And how will you know if the kidnapper is planting the gas?" Caroline asked.

"I'll be sitting in the camera room, watching everything that's going on and monitoring everything. When I see something suspicious I'll give the signifiers on the walkie-talkie to have masks at the ready. After all, we can't let anyone know we have masks! That could spoil everything. When we catch the kidnapper we will find out everything from him and any problems will be solved!" Judy replied. Bogo and Caroline glanced at each other and, thinking for a moment, Bogo stood up and nodded with a movement of his head. He was visibly pleased with Judy's plan, which is quite risky admittedly, because what if it fails? Then all would be lost both as their jobs and their reputation. Although, on the other hand, they were in such a situation that it might be better to take a risk than to worry about what would happen. This is where you have to act fast.

"In my opinion, this is a very good plan! It might even work. What do you think of it Caroline?"

"It's pretty good, we just have to hope the kidnapper doesn't see it coming," the vixen added.

"However, Judy. We need permission from the mayor to carry out such an operation" Bogo communicated. A look of surprise was painted on the doe's face.

"For what? Why?" Judy asked.

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