Chapter 13: Breed

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Chapter 13: Breed

It was another day before Christmas. The winter sun was slowly illuminating the chilly horizon covered with white down, which reflected the cold rays of the sun. It had been a long time since Judy had slept as well as she had that last night. The evening's conversation with Nick had given her much joy and hope that tomorrow would be even better. The conversation mainly consisted of Nick asking Judy how she was feeling. She made no secret of the fact that she was having a good time, but also comforted the fox that she was thinking about him all the time. Also, in the countryside it is easier to fall asleep and stay asleep because here cars don't drive by every few seconds and there is no one to disturb the quiet of the night or there are no other houses around to disturb your sleep (The Hopps family's flat was set back from the other houses, they were the only ones living practically under the woods). It was an incredibly good and comfortable feeling for Judy, who got up before the alarm clock, which very rarely happened. When she woke up she glanced at her alarm clock, which was on her nightstand - it showed 5.50 p.m.

"I've still got 10 minutes" thought Judy as she planned her day in her head. She wanted to get up at 6.00 a.m. to help her family as much as possible for Christmas. She enjoyed the preparations for Christmas. It was a time when everyone helped everyone, the whole family worked together and everyone got along with everyone. Rabbit had already planned her whole day in her head. Most likely before she could help in the kitchen, she would have to go with her father to the nearby lodge to buy a Christmas tree. Judy always went with Steve, because she could always pick out that one and perfect Christmas tree that would make everyone who saw it thrilled. They will be dressing it most likely in the evening with their siblings. Once they have bought the tree, Judy will be able to help her mother in the kitchen. Since living in Zootopia and living with Nick she has learned many cooking techniques and tricks in them. She had to do it because ambition told her to do it (and she also wanted to score with Nick).

Soon the alarm clock started making its short but also annoying sound causing Judy to be knocked out of her thoughts. She quickly turned off the alarm clock, then jumped off the bed straightening up and looking out the window. It promised to be a nice sunny day.

"Ah, someday Nick and I will walk through this forest together..." thought Judy. After straightening up, she left the room walking quietly so as not to wake anyone. All the doors were locked, so it was a sign that she was the only one most likely to be awake. However, when she got down to the ground floor she noticed Bonnie, who had prepared breakfast for the kids, and Steve, who was reading the morning paper and drinking his morning coffee.

"Hi mum, hi dad " greeted Judy.

"Hi, shouldn't you still be asleep?" asked Bonnie.

"No, you Zootopia it gets up around 5a.m, so that's late for me anyway"

"You can sleep longer..."

"I'm rested, why don't I help with making breakfast?" offered Judy.

"No need dear, I can manage. Make yourself something to eat in the meantime, you and Dad are going to get the Christmas tree today" replied Bonnie.

"This year you're driving" added Steve leaning his face out from behind the newspaper.

"Ah, you finally believe in me " laughed Judy.

"It's not that I didn't believe, you just weren't ready for it..."

"Just kidding hah. I'll have breakfast and we can go" Judy said heading towards the fridge. She opened it and looked for products she would eat.

"All in all scrambled eggs wouldn't be a bad idea " she thought taking a few eggs in her paws then backed out of it. She pulled out a plate then fired up the gas cooker on which she placed the frying pan. She poured some oil on it and a moment later cracked three eggs into the heated pan.

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