Chapter 22: Case

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Chapter 22: Case

Once all the policemen were in their seats, the commandant waited patiently until everyone finally quieted down and began to listen to him curiously. His sharp and stern look indicated that soon his patience would run out and he would have to use his voice, which, properly subdued, could frighten even the bravest policeman. Everyone, however, did not lose their enthusiasm for the conversation, and did not worry too much about the commandant, who watched the others with an increasing lust for attention. Everyone was full of positive energy after the break everyone got. You would think they would come back sullen and exhausted at the thought of having to patrol the area again for several hours at a time, but it was quite the opposite. Everyone was really looking forward to getting back into their police uniform with a badge on their chest and being able to help others if the right opportunity arose.

Eventually, Commander Bogo ran out of patience and drew attention to himself by throwing a folder of catalogues onto his desk. The loud noise caused by this caused conversations to immediately fall silent, everyone straightened up in their chairs and began to listen to their superior.

"Yes...much better," Bogo said excitedly casting a quick glance at each policeman as if counting down whether they were all there. Some were still trying to finish the last sentences of their speech, but feeling that strong and freezing gaze of the commandant made them stop their sentences and focus on the man.

"Welcome everyone back. I am really pleased to see you all safe and sound. I would ask myself if you were happy with the time off you got, but seeing the enthusiasm on your faces I don't need to do that," the commandant said. There was quiet laughter in the room caused by his statement. Bogo must have been proud of it as well, because a slight smile also came on his lips. A smile wasn't welcomed on his face often, so that meant he must have felt proud of something.

"Coming back. I hope you're rested and have plenty of strength, because we're starting off right in the thick of things...or at least some of us are" the commander added, then took a few catalogues out of his briefcase and approached the green board tilting the wing that was tucked away. Everyone's attention was drawn to a picture of three figures that was previously unknown to anyone. Everyone and especially Nick was surprised when he saw that the photographs contained images of foxes. As the commandant began to open the next folders, everyone couldn't wait for the moment when they would hear their name and get their assignment. It was an exciting moment because you never knew what role you could get each day. However, everyone hoped for one thing: that they wouldn't have to watch the parking meter. It was a tedious and uninteresting job, which is why whoever was chosen for the parking meters they always called him "unlucky".

"Spoiler and Coyote, you will be patrolling Sahara Square" said the Commandant hailing the two policemen. After hearing their names they got up from their posts and left the room.

The commander called out to the next officers and gave them different tasks. Mostly these were patrols or finding a particular villain who had done something wrong while they were on holiday. However, everyone was wondering what challenge the commander was talking about? There were fewer and fewer people in the briefing room and still no major assignment. Everyone was interested in the three hanging figures on the board, which the commandant had yet to mention a single word about. Soon only Judy and Nick were left in the room. They were curious about their assignment for this first day back from break. Maybe it would be a patrol or also they would have to catch someone? They were horrified at the very thought that they would have to guard the parking meters, Bogo had not yet appointed anyone to those roles. The commandant, when left alone with Judy and Nick closed the door with precision, as if he wanted no one to hear them. This intrigued the two policemen, but they were not brave enough to ask what was going on. They waited for the commandant to say something. Bogo soon opened the last file, it was Nick and Judy's catalogue.

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