Chapter 39: Consent

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As Nick was getting dressed he wondered what Judy could have been up to all day. He felt a little strange because even though it was only one day apart between them (not even a whole day), he felt strangely lonely without her. He felt like someone important had left him, and he had a sense of positive vibes at the thought that there was probably already this sweet little rabbit waiting for him at home, surrounding him with love all the time. He was already used to Judy's presence, practically everywhere he would go, every time he would be with her with his thoughts, it was already a habit to her presence. He felt so emotionally attached to her that he had been thinking about something more serious than a simple "Boyfriend and girlfriend" relationship for some time now. He wanted some kind of confirmation that they were together, and of course he didn't want to hide it any longer, because seeing how the rumours were spreading in the precinct, sooner or later everyone would find out that they were together. Not to skimp on the details and to be specific it was about the wedding. It was something that Nick brought up in his head several times, he wondered if this was definitely the doe who could be his partner for life. Day by day Nick was convincing himself that this was most likely the case.

"What are you thinking about so much huh?" Asked a female voice coming from behind the door. Nick shook his head vigorously and turned behind him expecting it to be Caroline who had come to talk to him again.

"I told you first thing this morning, this is the men's locker room. You seriously need to distinguish the signs, because if you run into someone less tolerant it could end badly" Nick communicated. But the vixen only laughed as she walked inside the small changing room sitting down next to Nick who was standing in front of the mirror with a naked solid torso that Caroline looked at unable to contain herself.

"You look good in a suit, you know that?" Caroline asked to which Nick laughed ironically. He took his shirt from the bench then put it on, adjusting the collar a little.

"I look good in everything, as always," replied the fox.

"Ugh... you're modest as always. I'd like to thank you for that dinner...I know it wasn't our main purpose for meeting, but it was still nice to talk to an old school friend" Caroline replied. Nick smiled slightly, but felt embarrassment and bewilderment inside. He hadn't expected a person like Caroline to be able to thank him for something. Although now Nick was beginning to see that she wasn't the same friend without culture or manners. No longer a simple, mean girl, but a woman with her own grace and elegance.

"Well, I have to admit it was fun, that's a fact. Between you and me, I see you've changed."

"I beg you, don't look through the eyes of the past, everyone changes...appreciate what we are, not what I was " sighed Caroline heavily.

"I guess I'll have to, because honestly you've really changed" replied Nick. It was probably the first moment he had sent a genuine warm smile in her direction, and it was reciprocated with the same energy.

"Thanks for that suit by the way, it looks really cool" thanked Nick, to which the girl nodded with a motion of her head. A moment later the fox left the room heading towards the exit leaving Caroline alone in the cloakroom.

Meanwhile Judy, taking advantage of the fact that she was alone and it was quite late, decided to take a long, relaxing bath. She did practically nothing that day, her one major task was to do some shopping for her and Nick as the supplies were slowly running out. She felt extremely tired and needed to sleep, she slept until about 10 a.m., since she started working as a police officer she didn't remember having the opportunity to sleep until so late for her. Although she did nothing, her nerves were brought on by an interview that was being conducted with Nick and Caroline. To her misfortune, she had timed it perfectly when Caroline claimed that they were in a private meeting. This was made convincing by the fact that they were dressed smartly, Judy after seeing this was not happy, she was downright angry, but at the same time she felt pain in her heart and sadness. Would Nick seriously be capable of betrayal?

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