Chapter 47: The Book

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The next day started quite late for Judy. The dinner conversation hadn't been the best for her, she remembered the moment Nick had gone missing which spoiled her mood for the rest of the evening. She was probably the only one who went to her room not to play something on her phone, but to actually relax and unwind. Although she did not see it, she was different from her siblings. She was more responsible, had more imagination and was most importantly independent, even from her sisters of similar age she seemed to be mentally older than them.

Her morning relaxation was interrupted by a knock on the door of her room, which, initially ignored, intensified in series every few minutes. Doe initially thought that once she didn't answer the figure standing behind the door would understand that she was to leave, but as she could see it didn't work.

"Who is it and what does it want? It's only morning!" Asked Judy when she couldn't stand any more knocking on her door. She growled into her pillow then with a sleepy movement sat on her bed straightening up expecting the person to be revealed. It turned out to be her mother. It made Judy a little dumbfounded, but she sighed quietly for reassurance. Her ruddy ears drooped behind the back of her head and with a movement of her hand showed for Bonnie to come inside.

"Good morning Judy. It's already 11.00 a.m., time to get up," Bonnie said quietly. Judy opened her eyes wide in surprise. She was sure it was 8.30 a.m. at the latest. It was quite dark outside the window, despite the winter time it seemed to be early morning.

"Hm?" Judy made a sound. She picked up the alarm clock standing on the bedside shelf, it indicated exactly 11.00 a.m.

"I'd give my word it's not that late."

"Ah, it must be the weather. It's extremely cloudy rained quite heavily this morning when most of us were still asleep. Such is the winter weather pattern now, you never know what the weather will be like" Bonnie replied. They both stared out of the window watching the dark winter clouds fly across the dark sky at a tortoise's pace, until Bonnie remembered why she had come to see her daughter.

"I came to let you know to eat something. It's very important, you need to eat a lot and..."

"Yes mum, I know, and I need to rest a lot. It's quite easy to remember," laughed Judy quietly as she finished her mother's phrase. It surprised her a little that this time it was Bonnie who was more oversensitive about health than Stu. Usually it was her father who took the initiative to make sure the doe was healthy and nothing compromised.

"Great! Then I'll get you something right away, wait a minute" Bonnie communicated. She wanted to head downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast for her daughter, but the daughter stopped her at the last moment asking her to stop.

"No need Mum, I'll go downstairs to the kitchen. I can't handle lying here all day," Judy said. She put her carrot shaped slippers on her little feet then stood next to the bed with slight difficulty. Bonnie approached her putting a white dressing gown over her shoulders which she then patted Judy and tied at the waist.

On leaving the room Judy was momentarily blinded by the glow of the lamps in the short corridor, which were switched on. Her dark room compared to the passage, which was doused in warm light caused too much contrast for her eyes, which squinted under the light, although the doe was not surprised why the lamps were switched off. It was terribly dark, she managed to convince herself. After going down the stairs, she was greeted by her brothers and sisters, who had already been up for a long time. They had winter holidays now, it was a good opportunity to relax and take a breather from school matters and sleep a little longer than usual. During the winter there is practically nothing to do in the fields so they have whole days just to themselves.

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