Chapter 44: Gossip

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On the morning of the next day, after sunrise, Judy was awakened as before by the prevailing crowd, mostly caused by the doctors who were attending to the more injured in the incident. Doe, on the other hand, felt much better than she had two days earlier since being here. She had gained a lot of energy, no longer had a fever and everything seemed to indicate that she was ready to leave the facility to return to her family home.

When she woke up, she paid no attention to the others in the room, she lay with her eyes closed wondering what she would do when she got home. After all, she couldn't literally do nothing. She wanted to occupy herself with something, something that would give her the feeling of time well spent, which she would have in abundance. For the period of time that she would be on week-long leave, there wouldn't be much opportunity to interfere with the case of Nick's disappearance or anyone else's, but she hoped that the documents that had been gathered over that time would help her discover something new about the case. As she pondered this she also thought about Nick and their relationship. A week at home might be a good time to confess openly to them that she was in a relationship with the fox and that she loved him more than anything. She guessed that they wouldn't like it very much (especially for Stu, her father, who hates foxes), but she also agreed with Nick that they both didn't want to hide their feelings for each other, they needed an official relationship that they wouldn't have to be ashamed of. She wasn't worried about her mum, she knew that with the right conversation she could come to an agreement with her, she was more worried about her father. He is quite... stereotypical. He often followed the paths of old statements and thoughts without thinking about the validity of given thoughts, as in the case of foxes. Despite the fact that the world is changing and not every fox is bad he automatically considered the fox race to be bad. This is what Judy disliked most about him, she tried many times to change his attitude, but the old man still holds his opinion. In the back of her mind there were also thoughts that something might have happened to the fox, but she did not allow these thoughts to continue. She didn't even want to think about it, she focused on things that might happen in the near future.

Before noon, Alex came into the room to perform a routine check of the patient's condition. As he entered the room he saw that the doe was feeling even better than the day before. Her eyes had taken on an even stronger glow, and her steely ears hearing the quietest sound gave signs to the doctor that the rabbit was in good spirits.

"Good morning Judy, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked. He sat down on the edge of the bed as he had done yesterday, then put the thermometer to his forehead, after a moment the device indicated 36.8c, which the doctor was at least pleased with.

"Good morning, I feel much better. I can't wait to get out of here" Judy replied with vigour.

"Is it that bad here?" The doctor asked ironically, hiding the thermometer. He took out a small torch then shone it into the rabbit's amethyst eyes. Its reactions were going well.

"You mean?" Judy asked curiously.

"Well, I think everyone knows that the fox district is not the richest part of Zootopia...quite a few people perceive the town as poor and having nothing to offer" explained the doctor as he examined Judy's eyes.

"'s not that. It's just that I have so many things on my mind that I would like to be in a place where there isn't such a crowd" Judy communicated. Alex looked around the room and realized what the doe meant. All around them were several patients and other doctors, who all together caused a constant hum to run through the room that made it impossible to focus on thoughts.

"I see. Fortunately you weren't hurt as badly as you might have thought, that's good. You'll be able to get back to your post quicker."

"I dream of getting back as soon as possible!" Judy replied. Alex saw a childish excitement in her, an energy that made him laugh a little, but he didn't show it lest she take it the wrong way. It was a wonderful sight to see that there were people who cared about others and were not hypocrites.

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