Chapter 69: Yes!

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Chapter 69: Yes!

When Nick and Judy returned home it was already dark. The journey of more than a few hundred kilometres had meant that they had returned after 9.00 p.m., so they were both feeling tired. They had dedicated the whole day to meeting the doe's family, but it looked like everything had gone according to plan! There was no tragedy as everyone had subconsciously expected, Judy's parents were convinced by the fox, thus giving a free hand to their daughter with their continued relationship. Judy was not yet aware of Nick's conversation with Stu, but his thoughtfulness in the car let her know that something must have happened while the two of them went for a walk so that her father could talk about their work. She didn't want to press him in the car so she decided to ask about the reason for his musings when the two of them were in their flat. She didn't want to pester him during the drive.

When they arrived at their flat they both took a short shower to refresh themselves. It had been a long day after all, as they left home at 7.00 a.m. In order to arrive at a reasonable time so as not to have to go straight back to Zootopia, they wanted to stay longer with Nick's future in-laws.

They were so tired that they didn't even make themselves tea or coffee. All they needed was sleep to give them that energy. After all, who wouldn't want a good night's sleep? The next day's work was waiting for them. After a quick bath, they both changed into their pyjamas and went straight to their bed.

Lying in bed together and with the light off, Judy kept staring at the fox, who was gazing at the snow-white ceiling with his eyes, he was all the time thoughtful about something.

"Nick, has something happened to make you so...thoughtful all the time?" Judy asked thoughtfully. The fox shook his head quickly as he returned to the ground and looked into the turquoise, gentle eyes of the doe.

"What, me, no...nothing like that..." The fox replied uncertainly. He broke the eye contract and looked up again at the ceiling and the chandelier that hung from it. He knew, however, that Judy would not be satisfied with this answer, and he felt strongly encouraged by Stu's words. Judy's father's opinion had stuck firmly in the fox's mind, so firmly that he couldn't stop thinking about it! What if he's right? If it's just a fling that won't last forever? If it's going to fall apart because of him? In his mind he had been thinking about a more serious relationship for a long time, but he feared that Judy might not want it and it would all end in failure. It wasn't as simple as it might seem. Fox wanted to propose, but the knowledge that the doe might not agree and he might be left alone terrified him. Nick couldn't handle it and sighed heavily turning his back on Judy.

"Ehh...when the two of us went to explore your farm, your father said something that stuck hard in my mind..."

"Ah! I knew he was going to say something stupid!" Judy chuckled bitterly.

"Maybe it wasn't so stupid...he said that if I don't really love you and don't want a serious relationship I shouldn't be with feelings might not be sincere because I'm a fox...of course I love you, but if you don't trust me..." Nick sighed heavily.

"Oh Nick..." Judy sighed with concern. She moved closer to him and hugged him as tightly as she could. They looked at each other, the fox smiling slightly as he saw the concerned expression on her face. He quickly realised that his fears were an illusion created by Stu's words.

"Of course I believe you! How could you think I didn't? I warned you that my dad is stereotypical and not to be listened to!" Judy said.

"I know honey, but hurt...I love you, I want to show it all the time, but when I hear words like that..." Nick replied. He wanted to add something but the doe silenced him with a kiss, which worked because when they hung up the fox didn't say anything about it again. It was hard for him to say anything about it. He was too scared.

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