Chapter 14: Christmas Tree

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Chapter 14: Christmas Tree

The first night, after the day Judy had left had passed peacefully and without problems. When Finnick fell asleep, Nick was still texting with Judy about various topics without worrying about tomorrow. He would have loved to call the rabbit now to talk to him, but he couldn't. He knew that for the time being no one could find out about them talking to each other, or at least for the moment. For the time being they had to keep it a secret. The conversation mostly consisted of Judy talking about how warmly she had been welcomed by her family, who had shown her love and warmth from the very beginning. Nick when he read this felt pain in his soul, due to the fact that he himself could not count on such a welcome, but despite the pain he enjoyed the rabbit's happiness. Eventually Judy asked about Nick and how he was doing. The fox didn't really have anything to tell, as there was very little going on at his place Apart from the fact that Finnick was staying with them (he didn't bring it up), he had nothing to write about. And that's when Judy reminded about the Christmas tree, to which Nick laughed briefly seeing the rabbit's text.

"She's good, she remembers everything," thought Nick, when Judy started admonishing him for putting up a Christmas tree in their flat. There hadn't been time to do it before, but these few days off gave a little more relaxation. Nick waited 20 minutes for a reply, but decided finally that the rabbit had fallen asleep as his message hadn't even been read.

"'See you tomorrow Judy' thought Nick. He put the phone on the dresser and then turned to the other side of the bed. He could finally feel more comfort.

The next day, as the sun came in lazily, Nick woke up according to his alarm clock, which surprised him. He lazily sat up on his bed and watched the alarm, which showed 6.30 a.m. It wasn't until several moments later that he was so sleepy that he forgot to even turn the alarm off for the time.

"Damn" sighed Nick turning off the alarm, then lay on his back again trying to sleep. Unfortunately, however, the sun that was also waking up made it impossible for Nick to fall asleep even if he wanted to so badly, and he didn't look the most tired. The first thing he did was turn on his phone to see if he had any notifications from Judy. He was slightly disappointed when still Judy hadn't read his messages, but he consoled himself with the fact that she probably couldn't. He straightened up, then put his slippers on his feet, tied his black dressing gown over himself and wandered into the kitchen to make himself breakfast and coffee. He saw that Finnick was still asleep, but decided it wouldn't be a bad idea if he made him some coffee. He poured water into the kettle, poured instant coffee into the cups, poured water into the kettle and waited quietly until the water boiled. When it did, he poured water into his coffee glass, and immediately poured for Finnick, who was also already slowly waking up judging by the way he made short moaning sounds and turned from side to side. Nick came up with an idea, which was rather mean, but funny in his opinion. He quietly walked over to the still sleeping Finnick, who was oblivious to the situation, and took the piece of cloth he was sleeping on in his paws. Nick waited for a good moment then pulled at the white material causing the cloth to curl up under the fox and Finnick fell to the ground, which instantly roused him.

"Hello, what happened!" cried Finnick getting up from the floor. He quickly looked around as his gaze stopped on Nick holding the cloth. He didn't need to say anything else when he noticed his friend who had just burst out laughing still holding the material he had pulled in his paw. Finnick felt a little nervous, but he couldn't be angry. Nick's laughter made him start laughing himself, even though he shouldn't have. His body ached a little, but the sight of Nick laughing made him involuntarily laugh himself.

"Okay Nick, tell me what we're having for breakfast?" asked Finnick when their goofiness was over and they both got a little more serious enough to prepare some breakfast.

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