Chapter 31: Compassion

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Chapter 31: Compassion

As Judy fell asleep on Nick's plump and strongly built chest, the fox lay still for a few minutes being stared at the bedroom ceiling thinking about his conversation with his ex-girlfriend. He hadn't thought about her at all until now, when they met. He had experienced his breakup quite emotionally, despite the fact that it was a highly toxic love, it hurt him, by the way it was probably normal, the breakup of a relationship often inflicts pain. Then he was helped by Finnick, who supported him mentally by saying that she wasn't worth it, that he did the right thing, this relationship wouldn't have a good future. Finnick knew Caroline very well, before Nick got involved with her the three of them had often hung out, he knew her as a nice friendly girl who never showed toxicity or meanness. After what he had heard from his friend, he himself could not believe that she had changed in such a negative way. She was the first person he knew who would change in such a bad way.

"Exactly, maybe Finnick should find out about'll be lighter for'll probably be better if I write to him and ask to meet" Nick thought. Reaching over to his bedside table he grabbed his phone and unlocked it so he could text Finnick.

"Hi, it's me Nick. Sorry I'm writing so late you don't need to write back now, however how about we meet at our favourite bar at noon sharp? I have a piece of information for you, a real bombshell, you'll be surprised at what I tell you."

This was the content of Nick's message. After sending the text to Finnick, the fox checked the time: 3.45 a.m. Nick put the phone back on the shelf then kissed Judy's head and closed his eyes drifting off into a deep sleep.

In the morning, when the alarm started to make its annoying sound that made you not want to get up, Nick still with his eyes closed turned off his alarm clock enjoying the peace and quiet for the next few minutes. It was a very good night's sleep for him. Granted, he hadn't had any sleep to enhance his rest, but he didn't feel a headache or fatigue when he woke up, and that was already a good sign. Sometimes he woke up with a headache, which made him tired for the rest of the day. When he lay like that, something didn't sit well with him - he didn't feel his partner nearby, who usually didn't get out of bed earlier than him. Fox often prepared breakfast for his girlfriend in bed so that he could make her feel as good as possible in the morning.

"Where did she go?" Nick thought as he opened his emerald eyes wide so he could look around the room. There was only him in bed, his attention caught by the fact that only his dressing gown was hanging on the arm of the bed and only his leather slippers are under the bed. He immediately realised that Judy had got up earlier than her, which surprised him. The rabbit had been half awake on the ride home and now suddenly had so much energy? Fox was curious about this and slid lazily off the bed and then put his slippers on his feet. After stretching briefly he got out of bed putting on his grey dressing gown which he tied over his belt on the way to the living room.

When he stopped at the threshold of the living room, Nick saw Judy alone in the room, holding a mug of warm, hot drink, most likely coffee, in her paws. Her confused, thoughtful gaze said that she was most likely deep in her thoughts. It must have been so, because she didn't even notice the fox that stood on the doorstep for 2 minutes. She looked a little lonely, which surprised Nick a little. He knocked on the wall which drew the attention of the rabbit who greeted the boy.

"Good morning Nick," Judy said quietly setting her coffee down on the table.

"Good morning Judy. Did you get any sleep?" Asked Nick sitting down across from the rabbit. Although she smiled briefly and nodded with a movement of her head, her eyes full of worry and tiredness said otherwise.

"You know your eyes say something else?" Nick asked with a sly smile, to which Judy laughed nodding modestly with a movement of her head.

"I just had a rough dream...and a few things went through my mind that shouldn't have at that moment," replied Judy.

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