Chapter 25: Hearing

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Chapter 25: The Hearing (Part I)

The two partners, Judy and Nick were forced to take a side narrow street that led around the first destination they were going to, as all the larger streets were occupied by a mass of protesters who effectively barricaded the roads, thus confronting the army and police who were helpless in the situation. With such numbers against them, the use of aggression would have been completely pointless and would have caused even more rioting, which had already ravaged more than half the city.
"It's a good thing the city is closed," Nick said at one point. The partners didn't speak to each other for a while, Judy was still in a sort of shock at seeing the image of the lawmen facing each other and the ordinary citizens attacking them. It was a completely new sight to her, one that created in her a new view of the situation she might find herself in. In her mind she tried to impersonate the policemen who were defending themselves in the square against the crowd of advancing people.
"Think what would happen if they moved to the centre of Zootopia," replied Judy after a brief hesitation.
" general, I expect what you saw impressed you?" Asked the fox curiously.
"Let's just say it was something new...has anything like this happened here often?" Judy asked.
"It depends from what angle. If you're talking about our neighbourhood then no, but if you compare it to Zootopia then yes, yes it is " replied the fox. Judy nodded without answering. She was beginning to understand why Nick, having learned about Zootopia and how it worked, wanted to forget about this place where they were now and never come back.

After 15 minutes of driving, the partners found themselves at 53 Coldroad Street, where the first person to be interviewed was to be. It was a small street that did not have too many interesting places. Mainly the street had blocks of flats on two sides, at the beginning of the street there was a shop, a pharmacy and a small shed, most likely a kiosk. There were Christmas trees planted along the pavements, which grew modestly and did not reach very high sizes. The district was extremely dark. Despite the lights, which made the pavement, which was partly covered with snow, visible, visibility was still very poor, too poor to see anything without a torch. Fortunately, the situation was saved by a dozen flares fired into the starry sky, which effectively illuminated the dark surroundings of the city.
Before they got out of the car, Judy took a quick look at the directory so she could see what flat the person they had arrived at was registered in.
"House number 40." Judy communicated. They both got out of the car, They were immediately greeted by snow, reaching up to their ankles for the fox, making it reach above their feet for the rabbit. Thanks to her tight winter boots, she didn't feel it too much, but her trousers began to slowly get soaked through the white fluff. Fortunately, the entrance to the stairwell of the block of flats was close to their car, so they didn't manage to get cold before they were in the cage of the building. Of course, before they could move on, they had to ring the phone, to flat 40, to have permission to pass. Nick dialled 40 and waited patiently for the phone to be answered. Soon the signal was interrupted, and a female voice could be heard through the receiver.
"Good evening, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, police. We'd like to talk to you about..."
"I know what you want to talk about, come in," interrupted the fox woman's interview. After letting out a short beep, the door opened, letting the policemen in.

The stairwell looked quite poor, the walls were cracked in some places, the corridor was not heated, this was felt by Nick and Judy who, after climbing the stairs, still felt the freezing cold that prevailed outside. They weren't bothered because the wanted man's flat was on the second floor, so a few moments later, they were both at the woman's door. 
Judy was the first to approach the wooden door numbered 40 and then knocked on it. After several seconds, the sound of the door being opened rang through the corridor, which was opened a moment later. Standing in the passage was a middle-aged woman, a fox, who was dressed in night clothes, a black shirt, with black trousers, on her feet she wore white slippers that seemed grey under the cover of night. She was also wearing a sloppily worn dressing gown that fell off her right shoulder, which she had no intention of correcting. She looked like she had just been roused from sleep and was not quite fully awake yet.
"Please come inside" invited the vixen inside to the two policemen.
The flat was in much better condition than the hallway that led to it. The hallway of the flat itself looked better than the corridor, it was warm and cosy, its brown colours made one feel comfortable and safe when being in it. Everyone made their way to the living room, where everyone could sit comfortably and start the Interrogation. The living room was spacious but also modestly decorated, it looked like a room where a minimalist lived. There were few objects or decorations, but there were the very things needed in the area. The woman sat down across from Judy and Nick, who had settled into armchairs, while the woman found her place on the sofa.
"Just be quiet please, the children are asleep" the woman remarked before Nick and Judy prepared for the Interrogation. Judy took out a small notebook and pencil and Nick took out a small recorder which he fired up and placed on the glass table which was recording the entire interview.
"Also, Mrs Angel Cad, please tell us as many details as you can remember. When was the last time you saw your husband, how he was dressed, where he went, if he may have been acting suspiciously towards you or the children recently...any information is needed" Nick communicated. Angel looked severely stressed, her fingers folded and unfolded every few seconds, her gaze swept over the figures of Judy and Nick and initially she couldn't make out anything.
"Please calm down Ms Angel. We know this is a difficult experience and you must believe us we know how hard it can be. Please focus as much as you can, we are not in a hurry" Judy said seeing the woman's stress. When she saw the look on her face saying that she was tired of it all and that she was scared it made Judy feel down herself.
"I remember when I last saw him it was a week ago....
He was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt, brown trousers, black and white shoes...he was going to a restaurant then, but I don't know why exactly..."
"Can you give me the name and address of this establishment?" Nick asked.
"Yes. It's called Under the Fox Grove, the address is 55 Riverstreet, the restaurant is on the other side of town...further...I don't know, I haven't seen him, nobody has seen him.... what if he...?" The woman sighed, but didn't manage to finish. Judy looked sympathetically at the woman after she finished writing her notes. The feeling that her husband was missing and might die must have been really hard to swallow. Nick didn't hide his worry at this sight either, I guess anyone can be moved by the sight of a woman being abandoned by her husband.

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