Chapter 11: A Moment of a Nostalgia

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Chapter 11: A Moment of Nostalgia

The celebration of Judy's return to her family home lasted until the evening, when everyone had to sit down and eat dinner. When Judy saw the welcoming committee at the entrance, she was very touched to see her family, who showed their best side, revealing how much they missed Judy. When Judy appeared in the living room, she was immediately approached by a bunch of small children who hugged their sister as tightly as they could. Although they were gentle hugs, their profusion made even these gentle squeezes cause Judy to feel like she was running out of oxygen in her lungs. When Bonnie asked the children to let Judy go, she was greeted by her older siblings, who were already hugging their sister more calmly and composedly, compared to the young children. Further, after her siblings she greeted her grandparents and was already able to sit down calmly answering the avalanches of questions that rained down on her. She answered calmly and with confidence. She answered most of the questions by asking the question for herself first (Just like Nick taught her when she had the interview). As a result of this learning, now questions about how her job was with the police, how often she had to use her gun, whether she liked working there didn't trouble her. Soon after, Judy pulled her original police officer badge out of her purse, which caught the attention of the young children, who immediately wanted to touch the metal plate. The tin itself was an interesting object. It had a curved inward shape, was gold plated, and in the centre of the badge was a dark blue eagle with the words "Police" written above it in dark blue. Judy, seeing her brothers and sisters reaction, giggled and gave it to her siblings to play with.
Bonnie, seeing her siblings looking at Judy's badge, looked at Judy signalling for her to take the badge away from them, she just waved her hand and watched the children as they looked at the reflection of the badge.

After Judy was warmly welcomed by her family, Bonnie led Judy to the room where she would sleep. It was located on the 2nd floor of the flat (the house was 3 stories , the 3rd floor was an attic which also had rooms). After climbing the stairs, there was a narrow corridor, on the left and right were doors leading to different rooms, opposite the stairs was a window overlooking the landscape of the winter forest that was not far from the Hopps' home. They lived near the woods where they often went for walks or strolls. In winter the children would go there to have a snowball war, the trees provided more fun for them as they could hide behind them and take a more tactical approach to the game.  Judy's room was on the left side of the corridor just in front of the window that overlooked the forest.
"Your dad will carry your suitcases, maybe you need a moment to be alone? Please make yourself comfortable," Bonnie asked opening the room wide with the white wooden door.
"I'll be there in a minute, go take care of them " replied Judy.
"All right. There will be dinner in a little while, so don't sit too long " replied Bonnie, then went down to the ground floor. Judy looked around the room. It was a medium sized room, where opposite the door was a window, on the left was a bed. To the right stood a snowy white desk, and behind the desk (just inside the wall) a large white wardrobe for clothes. Judy took a deep breath of nostalgia, this was her room, where her little world had been in the past when she was little. Yes, this room was much different than before: The colour of the walls had changed from green to grey, the bed was in a different place (it used to be in place of a desk), the furniture was different, but in Judy's mind she had the same things she had seen years ago. After a brief flashback, Judy sat down on the bed and took her phone out of her purse. She wanted to see if Nick was active on Facebook or Messenger. She felt the need to check on her fox to make sure he was coping somehow. To her surprise, Nick was not active on Messenger or Facebook. She was a little baffled. What could her fox be doing at this hour?
"He probably went shopping...or something like that " thought Judy hiding her phone in her purse when she heard her mum calling out.
"Judy, come on! Dinner's waiting!" cried Bonnie, at which Judy shot out of the room leaving her phone and purse on the bed. She walked briskly down to the ground floor and then into the dining room, where the whole family was waiting for her, who were seated at a long table that was covered with a white tablecloth. A place for Judy was reserved next to Bonnie and Steve. She sat by her father while Bonnie distributed the food first to the little ones, who were already looking forward to the dinner their mother had prepared for them. That evening, Bonnie prepared carrot soup with parsley and potatoes. It was Judy's favourite soup, so it was no surprise that this dish was for dinner tonight. As Bonnie poured the soup into the children's bowls, she then poured a bowl of soup for Grandpa and then for Judy.
"I remember this is your favorite dish, so I made it especially for you," Bonnie said. Judy couldn't stop herself from immediately taking a spoonful of the food into her mouth. It had been a long time since her taste buds had felt that super subtle, yet tender and strong taste of carrots that combined with parsley. It was a mild aftertaste of parsley that incorporated perfectly with the strong flavour of the carrots. Judy groaned with pleasure as she tasted this divine dish. Bonnie giggled seeing her account. She could see that the soup tasted good to Judy, who took more portions of the dish into her mouth. It was a completely different type of dish compared to what she had eaten in Zootopia.  In Zootopia there were mostly mixed flavours, there weren't a lot of dishes where one ingredient was clearly noticeable. It was a food that was very different from that of Zootopia. It was simpler to make, but also...tastier.

After dinner, once everyone had had time to eat, the topic of Judy and the Zootopia experience she undoubtedly had came up again. She was questioned on various things by her siblings, and Judy answered the questions that were asked of her with a smile on her face.
"Hey, where did you put my badge anyway?" asked Judy at one point. She suddenly remembered the badge, which had suddenly disappeared.
"It's on the shelf in the kitchen " replied Bonnie.
"Phew...thanks mum. Remember, you have to keep an eye on some things.... especially the ones from work"
"As for keeping an eye on things, it's already 10 p.m. It's bedtime, go to bed kids " said Steve looking at his carrot shaped watch. It was 10p.m. The children reluctantly but slowly got up from their chairs and went to their rooms to fall asleep.
"You too Judy go to bed, tomorrow will be busy all day".
"I'm compact and ready for action" Judy giggled. Despite what she said, she felt a little tired so she decided she would go for a nap too. Sleep would do her good. Going upstairs, she wished everyone she met goodnight and a good night. The lights that were on in the corridors illuminating the darkened rooms were slowly fading so everyone hid in their rooms. When Judy entered the room she immediately jumped into bed and took the phone in her hand to text Nick.

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