Chapter 27: Sophia

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Chapter 27: Sophia

When Judy had managed to take a moment to breathe, enough oxygen had reached her lungs to calm her heart rate, Judy, with the help of the woman who had rescued her, got up on her feet. She still had them like jelly shaking, but she managed to walk on her own.
"Let's go to my flat, we'll be safe there" The woman communicated. Judy nodded with a movement of her head, they both went to the lift to go to floor 3 of the block.

The lift stopped and the two girls made their way to the vixen's flat, marked number 150.
"Please lie down on the couch, you seriously look the way, I'm Sophia Williams" the vixen asked while introducing herself. The rabbit merely nodded at the offer with a movement of her head, at which point she lay down on the couch, which was in the living room. Judy didn't pay attention to the appearance of the room, to be honest it was still dark in front of her eyes due to the powerful fatigue of her body. This was not the only thing that caused Judy to be in such a state. She still didn't know what had happened to Nick, who had been captured by a group of chasing foxes who were out to get them, they had partly succeeded.
Judy lay on the couch with her eyes closed trying to calm her heart rate, which was fast and rapid. It was getting better by the minute, but she still didn't feel well.
"I'll make you some tea, I'll be right there" Sophia came up with as she sat next to the rabbit. The sight of the tired policewoman was not a happy sight for her, she felt sorry for her and felt pierced by the sight. Sophia went to the kitchen to prepare some tea to help get Judy back on her feet.
"Why did they chase us...I mean...they started chasing us for no reason...we didn't do anything to them..." Said Judy wondering why they were forced to flee from a group of angry foxes. Her words must have been heard by Sopfia because moments later she returned to the living room with a cup of tea where Judy lay.
"Well, I was looking at the march through the window and I heard someone shouting rabbit policeman here...believe me, if on days like this you come as a policeman to the fox district and you are not our representative then you are either stupid or brave.... anyway, this is not the best time to come to this place, looking at what is going on" the woman replied, stirring her tea with a spoon. Judy rose gently from the bed lifting her back a little, then took a small sip of the warm tea. It tasted of lemon and honey, the sweet sour combination warming Judy's body from the inside out, allowing her to relax a little. She was still in exhaustion, but she was slowly recovering.
"What do you mean if I'm not your representative?" Judy asked curiously. Sophia sighed at this question. It was one of those questions that was hard to answer in one short sentence. The vixen feared for a moment that Judy would not understand the literal meaning of the words she was about to say, but looking at the policeman's crocodile eyes, she could see that she was intelligent.

"You our fox district, we foxes in general, are viewed...quite critically especially in Zootopia. That's why the fox district was created, where mainly foxes stay..."
"I thought Nick showed that species doesn't matter..." Judy sighed.
"Nick Wilde?" Sophia asked, to which the rabbit nodded modestly taking a sip of tea.
"It's not enough. People won't believe in one case, society needs a mass of such behaviour to believe a fox can be good. Only Nick is appreciated as good, the rest of the foxes are bad. That's probably why a bunch of the... more stupid ones started chasing you."
"They chased me, and they got Nick..." Judy replied. She felt remorseful that things had turned out this way and not the other way. She had honestly hoped that Nick would be able to run faster, but as it turned out, they were faster than him. If it wasn't for a group of bullies, things would have been a lot easier.
"Don't worry, I'm sure..." The vixen began to say as the intercom sounded at the door.
"Wait a minute" Sophia communicated. She picked up the signal and after a short conversation a warm smile appeared on her face.
"Don't worry, he's fine... he's just walking here" The woman communicated, at which Judy rose abruptly to her feet.
"Nick?" Judy asked to which Sophia nodded with a motion of her head.
"Uf...thankfully...I was already worried that I was going to get him hurt" sighed Judy in relief. She felt a heavy stone roll off her heart, causing her to feel weak. After receiving this great information she felt instantly better and life was immediately breathed into her face. All the time she was worried about where the fox might have been admiring himself, what they could do to him, and what if they took him somewhere? That would be the thing that would severely depress Judy. Moments later a knock sounded on the door. Sophia walked over to open the door for the fox, who stepped inside introducing himself for Sophia.
"Nick!" Said Judy immediately upon seeing her fox. If it wasn't for the fact that they had to behave in some way while on patrol, they would have hugged each other most happily. Judy's enthusiasm subsided a little, however, when she turned her attention to the fox's nose, from which blood was pouring.
"Are you all right? You have blood pouring from your nose, nothing hurts? Maybe you need to..."
"I'm fine Judy, really...ground I managed to come here" laughed Nick sitting down next to Judy.
"What happened back there? How did you get away from there?" Sophia asked.
"Some idiots started chasing us, I can probably guess why..." Here Nick cast a glance at Judy.
"I told her what the situation was with us" explained Sophia.
"Ah,Ok...that's fine, forgive Judy for not telling you, I didn't want you to misunderstand..."
"That's okay Nick, the important thing is that you're okay" replied Judy sending a warm smile towards the fox. Nick reciprocated the smile and again most willingly, if they could, they hugged, melting their bodies into each other's arms.
"If you can go back to what you said..." Their sweet moment was interrupted by Sophia.
"Ah yes sorry. When they grabbed me, they pressed me against the car and one managed to punch me in the face with his fist. That's when I reached for the only right weapon in the situation" Nick explained reaching into his belt where he patted a small white vial. Judy noticed that Sophia also had a similar item when she had driven the foxes away from the cage.
"Wait a minute, you had this object too, what is it?" Judy asked curiously. The expression on her face grew serious, as did Nick's, who looked bitter.
"Fox spray," replied Nick briefly, which surprised Judy. She couldn't quite fathom a situation where a fox was using fox spray on a fox.
"Wait a minute, I don't understand something here...."
"You have to believe that using this spray here is a big insult, but it always helps..."
"It's humiliating," Nick added coolly.
"Remember when you pointed it out to me yourself?" Judy asked. Nick turned towards Judy with razor-sharp eyes. Rabbit realised that this was not the right time to bring up such facts.
"It's a completely different situation," replied Nick staring with a cool gaze into Judy's eyes, which were filled with shame by her stupid remark. After returning the gaze, Nick took the handkerchief lying on the tea tray, wiped his face under the nose soiled with blood, then took out his dictaphone on which he had been recording his interviews with the victims.
"Now let's get to what we came for. Ms Sophia, please tell us as much information as you can, the clothes of the missing person, where he was last, where he was staying..."

"Of course. My husband, Jim's name is, was wearing a grey jacket the last time I saw him. A white sweatshirt to go with it, a guaranteed shirt underneath, and brown trousers. The whole thing was completed by the distinctive grey cap he had on his head. To be honest, I don't know where he's been lately, he mentioned something about having some errands to run on Leafstreet, I haven't heard anything more about him since then..." The woman sighed heavily.
"Here, this will probably come in handy for you," Sophia added taking a photograph of her and Jim off the shelf. The photograph was neatly framed in a white decorated frame. The two of them were on a bridge, over a flowing river, with a waterfall forming behind them. The photograph was probably taken in summer, as the sunset was intense and delicately blood-coloured. Both of them looked happy in the photograph.
"This is Mrs..."
"Husband," the woman finished. Nick nodded with a movement of his head, then took the recorder from the couch, which he then put into his pocket. He then glanced at Judy. The rabbit looked much better; a slight blush had already managed to appear on her face. The cup of warming and energising tea had given its own.
"How are you feeling?" Nick asked thoughtfully.
"Fine, we can continue with the task" Judy communicated. They both got up from the couch, then headed towards the door. Before they left the flat, however, Judy felt the need to thank them for their help with the foxes.
"I would still like to thank you for defending me against the foxes who were chasing me. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened..."
"No need to thank you, do your job" replied the woman. After a brief handshake, Sophia closed the door leaving the policemen in the corridor.
"Nick, if you feel bad tell me" Judy communicated immediately seeing Nick's face. There was still some blood pouring from his nose, which was almost running down to his mouth.
"It's fine Judy, really" Nick communicated. Judy didn't quite believe his words, but she didn't want to have an unnecessary discussion about it. She expected Nick not to confess to the pain she was feeling.
As they descended the stairs a problem arose in their minds - if the crowds were still around, what exit would they use to leave the flat? If they left by the normal exit, with the crowd of angry people still there, they would have to run away again. This would not be the best solution, the second time they might not be so lucky and both might be caught. This would not be the best solution for them, so they started to think of an alternative way out. To their surprise, when they approached the stairwell door and went a little beyond it, they did not see a living soul in the street - it was completely empty.

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