Chapter 19: Departure

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Chapter 19: Departure

At last the day had come when Nick and Judy would be able to meet again. Rabbit hadn't slept since 4 a.m. She was terribly excited to finally be able to hug her fox, whom she loved so much, but on the other hand she was overwhelmed with dejection and sadness because she would be leaving her family again for a few months. She didn't like doing it, she felt very comfortable among them, but she couldn't go back to the countryside early. Such was the job of a policeman. Judy flopped around on the side of the bed for an hour trying to find a more comfortable position on the bed looking for cold spots to fall asleep, but all attempts proved unsuccessful. Emotions took over, so Judy decided there was no point in fidgeting just lay down on her back and began pondering various topics in her head.

There was really only one screen in her thoughts: how she was seeing Nick for the first time since their separation from each other. It was mainly this that made Judy look forward to standing already at the train station in town.

Half an hour later, when the clock read 4.45 a.m., it was time to pack up to leave. In fact, everything was already ready. Judy's suitcases were packed and ready to go. Each rabbit's clothes were already packed in one of the black suitcases Judy had with her. When Judy glanced out the window, she couldn't see much because it was still dark outside and not much could be seen other than the lamps that were lit around the house illuminating the nearby area. After observing for a while, Judy went to the bathroom to do her morning toilette so that she would be ready for the long journey that was undoubtedly waiting for her and would happen soon. Judy's energy had been bursting since she had got out of bed, even though she had not slept for the longest time and had got up very early even for her, she did not feel the tiredness that she probably would have felt otherwise. Her eyes were alive, a smile dominated her small velvet lips and if she met any younger siblings she would gladly hug them, but she had to keep quiet so as not to wake anyone. Although she herself had a lot of energy inside her, she had to keep it to herself so as not to tire others out.

After the morning toilet, the woman was ready to leave. Her watch perfectly showed 5.20 a.m., the perfect time to leave home. She headed to her room to grab her suitcases. She paused for a moment in that room.

She wanted to remember as much as possible of this room where she had spent the last few days sleeping, and a dozen years ago here was her little one-person world where she liked to lock herself away. It was an indescribable feeling - Judy remembered sitting alone in her room after school doing homework or listening to music on her bed, not thinking back then who she would be in the future and what her future would be, now in retrospect she was amazed at how fate had directed her life.

"Ready Judy? "from behind Judy came the voice of her mother, Bonnie. It was trembling, as if she was terribly afraid of something.

"Ah, yes...I'm ready Mum" replied Judy taking her suitcases with her. They both headed downstairs where Judy had to put on her going out clothes. Booted shoes and a beige warm leather jacket.

"Stuu's already waiting in the car," Bonnie communicated. Judy nodded with a motion of her head, then looked around the living room. She also wanted to remember as much of it as possible. After all, the living room was the place where they all stayed together and spent Christmas together, sharing their gifts here, which Judy had given out to her dear siblings. What particularly caught her attention was the mantelpiece that was perched at the corner of the room, a large red mantelpiece by which stood a black armchair and by the fireplace stood books on a wooden shelf. Judy imagined her and Nick sitting by the fireplace reading a book together while sipping warm cocoa. An involuntary smile appeared on the young lady's face, which Bonnie noticed.


"ah, yes sorry, I'm coming" replied Judy interrupting her thoughts.

At about 5.45 a.m., the Hopps family were already at the dock where Judy had her train. Apart from them, there were several other people at the station who, compared to them, stood alone with no one by their side.

As Judy waited for the train she talked to her parents while she still had time - she would be back on duty tomorrow, time she was unlikely to have again. Tomorrow she and Nick would have to go back to reality, which was not always bad, but there were moments of tediousness and worse. It didn't always go their way, as if they could assume it would, but they had no control over it. It was heartening for Judy to think that now in Zootopia she had someone she could rely on and that she no longer felt alone in the big city.

"Something keeps telling me in my head that I don't have something, I just don't know what it could be..." Said Judy putting her hands in her pockets searching them aimlessly. Something kept telling her that something was missing, but she couldn't define the item that might be missing.

"Maybe this is it?" Bonnie asked, pulling Judy's gold police badge out of her purse.

"Yes, the badge! Thank you!" Laughed Judy taking the badge from her mum. She felt a little embarrassed that she had forgotten such an important thing as a policeman's badge. Mostly they don't get a second piece, at the most in case she dies in action, but that wasn't appreciated either.

"You seem to be an adult, but you are a child to us..."

"I always will mum, I always will" replied Judy with a warm smile. She smiled a little more as she looked at her father who had glassy eyes from the scene, if it wasn't for the fact that he had to keep his cool and couldn't cry, he would have done so immediately.

"Oh, Stuu, just don't cry..."

"Honey, come on! I won't see my Judy for a few months..." Replied Stuu wiping his nose with his sleeve, but paused when, he noticed an oncoming blue train to the harbour. The machine braked abruptly, grey smoke billowed out from underneath the railway and finally the train came to a halt with a whistling sound. The blue-coloured doors opened and passengers from the train began to enter and leave. It was now time for Judy to board the locomotive as well.

"Well...I guess this is the end of your visit... thank you for coming and come back as soon as you can" Bonnie sighed. She hugged her daughter warmly and with complete love, just as if she were 12 or 8 years old. If she could have, she would have held her for a few more minutes, but time was rushing Judy.

"We hope you will come with that friend of yours next time" added her father jokingly giving Judy the same hug as Bonnie. After a few hugs Judy picked up her suitcases and headed for the train.

"See you!" Judy shouted, then boarded looking for her compartment on the train.

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