Chapter 60: VIP

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Chapter 60: VIP

As the lift started down, both Nick and Judy knew there was no turning back. Now they had to show as much skill as possible to get undetected to where the phone would be and there would be an opportunity to call the police. The unfamiliarity of this floor was something that was a little beyond them, but they believed they would be able to find the communication device quickly. If they were caught here, they would most likely no longer be able to make it back to the surface... Or at least in one piece. Therefore, they both stood on opposite walls of the lift so that they could immediately overpower anyone who entered the lift. If anyone tried to enter the lift they would have the chance to immediately incapacitate them and gain the advantage of a gun, here everyone had a gun but them. Although Nick was reluctant to use violence against the foxes he was aware that this unique situation left no doubt that it had to be done if necessary.

"It's OK Judy, not many people have been here, so we have to reckon that there could be an enemy around every corner. Our objective is simple - we need to find any phone to contact the outside world. They will certainly be able to locate us by IP, so all that matters is to send a signal. The phone will most likely be in the office where the main boss of this gang sits. From what I hear he sits on this floor all the time, so we have to be careful," Nick communicated. Judy understood, she communicated this with a short: "I get it", they had one clear objective, but all the time she was wondering - where are these kidnappers? After all, they had to be here somewhere, and she hadn't seen a single one anywhere!

Soon the lift came to a stop. For both of them, their hearts were beating faster, as if they were running or after some kind of sprint, meanwhile they stood in the lift waiting for its doors to open. They didn't know what they would see behind the door, they hoped that no one would be there, if someone saw them right away it would be hard for their special mission to succeed. They prepared themselves for potential protection and finally, the doors opened.

They were greatly surprised when they saw a white corridor in front of them, the walls covered with foil and the blocks of lime behind them made them feel as if they were in a completely different place! The white, cold light was hitting their eyes, but at the same time it made it possible to see anything here. This level made it clear that they were definitely underground. There was a distinct smell of soil. The cold lamps were the only sources of light on this level, it was noticeable. In the empty corridor were some palletised cylinders strewn about, from a distance they looked like gas cylinders, and on the floor itself were visible in large numbers the marks of sharp claws, most likely the worst ones had been led here judging by the fact that the marks some had perforated the floor! No matter what must have been going on here, the claw marks caused Judy and Nick to feel stress again and to return to their fighting positions. Fortunately there was no one in the corridor, the corridor was glowing empty, apparently there was no one in this sector, or so it seemed to them at least.

"We can probably move on" Communicated the fox quietly. The doe nodded with a movement of her head, both of them took a step forward, rubbing along the inner wall as they slowly walked towards a bend in the corridor that appeared to be something like the end of it. As they approached the bend, Nick leaned out from behind the wall and noticed a large brown door. There was light escaping from underneath them, someone was in there and having a good time because there was audible laughter.

"There's a door, and someone must be in there," Nick communicated. But it didn't end there. There was also a door next to them, but it was iron and opened with a card, and there was a card reader next to it. This door looked more intriguing, it looked like something guarding something urgent, it was so tightly built up that there was no way to see what was hiding behind it. Besides, there was some sort of logo on them, it wasn't a familiar logo to either doe anji to Nick.

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