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A beautiful sunny June afternoon will certainly stay with Judy and Nick in their minds for the rest of their lives, this day will stay in their minds forever. Then again, it's not just them, it's the whole Hopps family, the Wilde family, and their buddies from the Zootopia Police Squad who have accepted the wedding invitation and will share in their happiness, which has had to be kept hidden for the past several months. However, they both said enough of that. They didn't want to hide it any longer, they didn't want to hide it any longer and they knew that they both wanted to expose themselves to the whole world, to show how strong the relationship was between them. Nothing could destroy them. They were ready, prepared for the possible negative opinions about their relationship that would irrevocably follow (no one could stop them from doing so anymore), but I don't think they expected their relationship to be so well received by everyone. Colleagues at the police station had guessed beforehand that there was something between them, it could be seen almost at every turn that there was a kind of 'chemistry' between the two, but no one was brave enough to put such an original thesis into the light. Such a statement on their part was a kind of mere confirmation that everyone's hunches were correct, so this news was not a great stir among the other police officers. Nick, on the other hand, when informing his parents of this information, did not hide his surprise at his decision. As with Mr and Mrs Hopps, it was a big surprise in terms of his choice of partner. They were completely different species! However, they didn't try to dissuade him from it, they trusted Nick to know what he was doing.

15 June - this was the day Nick and Judy would be married. They were both massively cranky there, it was probably even more stressful than during the mission when they were kidnapped to the experiment site. They both wanted everything to be perfect, buttoned up to the last detail. There was no room for any stumbles or shortcomings, everything had to work together.

The day started very early for both of them, and they spent the last two days at their families' homes, only to meet at the altar (according to tradition). Judy and her family stayed in a hotel for those two days (it was too far to drive from the farm to town) and Nick stayed at his family home, where his mum lived. It was a bit empty at their place without Mark, but Mark had to be in prison and unfortunately was not given permission to go to his son's wedding. He regretted this, but there was no way to allow him to stay with his son at such an important time.

First thing in the morning the preparations for the wedding were underway. Judy's hairdresser had already arrived first thing in the morning and was waiting until she could start her work on the doe's hair so that she could look stunning on the day. Not quite later the make-up artist arrived to take care of the bride's make-up. They all gathered quite early, but that didn't bother anyone, after all, everyone was anxious about today's event and no one could be a moment late.

At around 12.00 p.m. work began on the bride as well as the groom. Nick was joined by Finnick - his best friend who would be walking him down the aisle. The three of them chatted for a while, along with his mum, just like the good old days when no one cared about anything. It was the first time Nick had seen his mum in such a good mood for a very long time. She was still laughing, there was a slight red colour (blush) on her red cheeks and for a very long time she had not had the inner block that told her to keep quiet and not speak. She was truly herself! This made Nick himself prefer not to say anything and just listen to the conversation between Finnick and his mother, gazing at the vixen he could see that she was really happy. For a very, very long time.

"And you Nick, what are you not saying? Are you digressing that much?" Finnick asked poking him with his elbow. Nick shook his head and smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous...it's all so...weird. I remember taking my first steps as a police officer, where virtually no one liked me and the only person who respected me was actually Judy. Now all these people are going to be at my wedding and my wife is going to be her! And all by accident..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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