Chapter 63: Proof

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Chapter 63: Proof

"Hands up! Don't move" repeated the police officer once again when he noticed the three figures standing by the police cars. The three of them, embarrassed by the situation, calmly put their hands up so as not to provoke unnecessary discussion. It was only when Commander Bogo appeared that he took the gun for the young policeman and put it in his pocket. He looked pleased to see the two of them in one piece, although it was obvious that they had been through quite a lot in the complex they were locked up in, their uniforms were tattered and all dirty. In addition, there was an unpleasant smell in the air...

"Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, you made it! I don't even know what to say, but you've got it all figured out! Our guys are already combing the area from the inside, the military have even descended so there's going to be a lot going on inside" The commander communicated. He looked at the fox who was standing between Nick and Judy, dressed in a suit he didn't look like someone aggrieved or who wouldn't know what he was doing here. He looked like someone important in all this.

"And who are you?" Bogo asked curiously. Mark didn't answer right away, he glanced at the doe and his son, who didn't look like he was going to cover for him, he didn't even try to show it. Judy had a more compassionate approach to him, her eyes didn't burn with fire, you could see she didn't want it to end like this for him, but as she was - she had to stick to the rules.

"Mark Wilde," replied the fox. Bogo nodded with a movement of his head. He cast a glance at Judy and Nick - all three of them knew who he was. He took out a pair of handcuffs from behind him, rather it was already certain that this was just how it had to end.

"Caroline, your accomplice said you were the one leading all this. All told, you are under arrest," pronounced Bogo. What seemed obvious turned out not to be clear to Mark, who took another look at Nick and Judy. There was nothing they could do about it, it just had to be that way. He turned his back to the commander, who cuffed his hands.

"Take him to the police car," the commandant called out. Two junior aspirants approached the fox and led him to the car.

"Did you catch Caroline?" Asked the doe for reassurance.

"Yes, when she gave you something in your tea, she most likely wanted to slip it to me too. To her misfortune the powder fell out of her bag, I caught it and guessed why you weren't speaking on the radio. Unfortunately, it was already late. We took her to the police station where she explained almost everything." The commander explained.

"So you know what's going on here..." Judy sighed.

"Unfortunately yes. Temu are the most dangerous services here, there are no jokes here. Unfortunately, but anyone who has received this injection must be neutralised. No other option' replied Bogo grimly. Nick seemed to be absent from this conversation, looking at the building being penetrated by the relevant services, where the sound of gunfire could be heard practically all the time. He was disappointed in both his father and Caroline. He had no idea how she had gotten into the business with his father, but he was surprised and disappointed by it. She'd told him she'd changed and that she was good now, it turned out it was all a sham. It pained him, again life had shown that it can be cruel and all you can do is just pretend everything is fine.

"Nick, are you okay?" Judy asked, seeing the thoughtful fox. Nick shook his head vigorously focusing on Judy.

"Yes, it's fine...we've finally got it over with. Now them others will get on with it." Nick replied.

"That's the plan. Of course it will take a while to find everyone involved, but that's not your problem anymore. Once again you've done your bit, congratulations. Just one thing puzzles me...where are the ones who were kidnapped? Caroline mentioned that it was just a ruse, but we don't know where they are."

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