Chapter 15: Message

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Chapter 15: Message

While Nick was looking in the utility room for all sorts of ornaments for the Christmas tree that he and Finnick could decorate it with (Judy had long since made sure there were plenty of ornaments), Finnick found a remote control for the TV. He didn't think long before he decided it would be a good idea to fire it up and look for something good that would be airing on t.v. right now.

"Let me tell you, it's pretty cool living like this. I'd like to live in one in the future," exclaimed Finnick. Nick laughed quietly at this remark waving his head from side to side rifling through more cardboard boxes until he found a box of people for the Christmas tree.

"Gotcha!" Said Nick ceremoniously pulling out the box. The box contained chains, lights and boxed baubles that had been recently purchased.

"Ah, I found it! Judy would kill me if I didn't find them" sighed Nick relieved to see the box of decorations. He rose from his knees holding the box in his hands. He wasn't particularly surprised when Finnick switched jokes on the t.v. looking for something on the television. Nick snatched the remote from his paws, which surprised him , but he wasn't going to fight the host.

"Let me choose something," Nick said as he selected a music channel. There was a very festive tune going, 'Merry Christmas Every One'. It was a very old song, Nick had listened to it when he was still little, it was a song that was not only related to Christmas but also remembered childhood for both of them.

"Ah, I remember we ran away from school once to go to a concert to this very song remember?" Finnick asked.

"I remember, maybe even all too well. Remember afterwards we went for pizza and then we met your form teacher as we were leaving?" asked Nick to which they both burst out laughing.

"I remember! Unfortunately it wasn't the best day for me. But when I think about stupid it was! I remember him looking at me!" replied Finnick with a laugh. Even though it ended in a reprimand at school this situation became more comical than sad over time.

"It was beautiful..." replied Nick when he was interrupted by the ringtone on his phone. He looked in his pocket and an involuntary smile appeared on his face.

"Judy is calling" The fox communicated.

"Be quiet now Finnick" asked Nick, which startled his friend, but he didn't have time to ask anything because Nick had already picked up the phone and pointed his finger at him not to say anything.

"Hi Judy, how's it going?" asked Nick sitting down next to Finnick who smiled ironically at Nick. He came up with an idea that was a little unfair to Nick, but it didn't bother me too much.

"All-in-all, it's been a really long and tiring day for me, but well... I've had a great time and I'm already looking forward to Christmas Eve! And how is time going with my fox?" asked Judy.

"It's fine, I'm just sitting by myself..."

"Hi Judy!" interrupted Finnick for Nick, which surprised and upset Nick at the same time. He ran his hand over his face waving his head from side to side.

"So you're saying you're sitting alone?" laughed Judy at which Nick cast an ominous glance at Finnick who started laughing.

"Ekh...I'm sitting with this idiot called Finnick, you should associate him" replied Nick. Finnick started laughing even more seeing the embarrassment and at the same time nervousness on Nick's face. It got to the point where he fell on his back laughing so loudly that Judy heard it and started laughing herself, which made Nick a little embarrassed.

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