Chapter 58: Ethan

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Chapter 58: Ethan

"Hello Hopps," repeated the fox, who came out of the door last. The other two had already overpowered the doe pinning her to the ground so tightly that she couldn't even move her body. The fox knelt in front of her to catch eye contact with her smiling sinisterly staring into her terrified eyes.

"How did you get here? How did you know there was an emergency exit here?" The fox asked.

"I just knew it...let me go!" Judy replied, but no one took her seriously here. The foxes holding her arm pressed her even harder to the ground which was met with even more pain on her side. The fox who had risen from his knees in front of her dodged out of the doorway where the doctor was standing, the same one who had given directions to the doe in which direction to go. He was all battered and bruised.

"Excuse me," the doctor said quietly. He had his head bent down the whole time, most likely he couldn't even lift it from the pain.

"Haha, now let's move on to you. You need to talk to someone more important than me" replied the fox. He took a syringe out of his pocket and dropped to his knees in front of Judy again.

"But first you have to take a dose of this" finished the fox. Judy tried with all her might to pull herself out of the hug, but her body, compared to that of the fox, was simply too weak to be able to do anything. The needle was jabbed into her arm and the fluid quickly made its way into her body.

"Relax, it's just the same substance Caroline gave you. Nothing will happen to you... at least for now" The fox communicated, then walked off towards the exit catching the doctor by the neck leading him out. Judy, after several cries for help and attempts to get out of his grasp, lost consciousness again for an indefinite period of time.

"What do you think they're going to do with her?"

"Like what, what a stupid question at all! They'll probably give her that failed injection, or dispose of her in a stupid way."

"'s enough that there are failed attempts reigning in other floors that vandalize and murder everything that moves. Don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration? It would have been better to kill them, they would have suffered less..."

"Shhh! Are you out of your mind! After all, you know that nothing can be said against the board here! Such thoughts are better kept to yourself if you don't want to end up like them. Anyway, sooner or later they will die of hunger or the poison will stop their heart. We still haven't succeeded in solving this problem, but soon we will be ready to show our strength."

"Let's hope so. A little more and Hopps would have discovered something! Oh, here comes the boss, sure the board wants to see her."

"Hello gentlemen. Please take the prisoner out and bring him to the office."

Two foxes took the doe by the shoulders carrying Judy out of the cramped room. Judy didn't know anything as she still felt stupefied and had something like a sack over her head, most likely so that she didn't know where she was or how to get out. Without any resistance whatsoever, she allowed herself to be carried into the study from what she had heard, to talk to someone. The question was why and with whom? If she wasn't somehow important she would most likely have been killed or neutralised straight away so that she couldn't escape from here in one piece. But for some reason they wanted to talk to her, she knew she had to get as much information out of them as possible to have a better understanding on the subject. She knew from the very moment she got here that there was more at stake here than mere kidnappings.

When they arrived at Judy's office she heard the door close behind her and felt the cold metal on her hands - they were placing handcuffs on her hands, which were then locked with a key. Then finally the bag from her head was removed allowing her to see a fox dressed in a suit in front of her, who was sitting behind a desk playing with a pen. She knelt down in front of the desk and looked around the room - she had two security guards behind her, there were framed TV interviews about foxes on the walls.

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