Chapter 59: Elevator

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Chapter 59: Elevator

Nick took Judy out of the office, then led her through the illuminated corridor in a direction she didn't know; blindfolded she couldn't do anything, her shackled hands didn't help her do anything either except let her guide herself.

"Nick, please, it's me Judy! You don't recognise me, did they do something to you? Bloody hell, it's me!" Shouted Judy, but the fox looked unmoved. All he did was rebuke her by saying "don't shout". In a calm tone, not seeming to make any sense of what he was doing at all. Soon they stopped for a moment, Nick pressed some kind of button on the wall, the doe quickly guessed that they were going to enter the lift most likely. She guessed that they wanted to trap her again, but this time in such a way that she no longer had the opportunity to escape.

"Nick, please don't do this, don't listen to them!" Asked a distraught Judy once more, she had some hope that Nick would listen to her after all and set her free, but the fox continued not to be moved one bit in the matter. When the lift stopped and the doors opened the fox pushed Judy inside and entered it himself by pressing the button on the panel again. A moment later the lift slammed shut and moved slowly downwards with a rusty rasping sound. Judy sat in the corner resigned, distraught. On the one hand she had found the boy she loved, but so what if he had changed and was now treating her as if she was not familiar to him at all?

"And will you at least tell me where we are going?" The doe asked. Nick didn't answer. He pressed something on the panel again and the lift came to an abrupt halt. A moment later Judy felt him fiddle with something at her shackles, she couldn't believe it when she felt a grip on her hands! He had released her! She was stunned by this, and even more so when Nick removed the blindfold from her eyes. She could finally see her beloved with his clever smile!

"Oh Nick!" Judy shouted, jumping on him hugging him as hard as she could despite the weakness she had from the injection she had received. Nick laughed softly and kissed her gently, Judy reciprocated the kiss. She felt overjoyed at this moment, she just wanted to feel her partner's lips pushing harder and harder against her. They soon separated and Judy wanted to say something again, but Nick silenced her by placing his finger on her lips.

"I'm glad to see you too Judy, but we need to keep quiet. I've stopped the lift for a while to explain everything" Nick communicated as they calmed down.

"What is this place? What's this all about, I met some doctor on the way in talking about some injections..."

"I don't really know where we are myself. When I was abducted I woke up in the same room as you most likely, they came to me and offered to work with me, I knew you would be here sooner or later so I agreed.

"And what do you do?"

"Mainly I give information about the assured, I give such basic information that they won't pick up anything interesting from it. What's more interesting is very much what's going on here. They are working on an adrenaline rush, but only for foxes. You remember the wild boar case with the former vice mayor don't you?" Nick asked, Judy nodded with a shake of her head.

"When we finished that case a couple of visitors, including two scientists became interested in the effects of skylarks. They discovered quite quickly that this effect was controllable and aroused wild, powerful instincts. Together they decided to create a controlled injection that only works for foxes. It is supposed to arouse precisely these instincts at the same time as being able to contact the outside world."

"OK, but why do they need it?" Judy asked.

"They want to gain power over Zootopia! It's well known that they can't do it themselves, but if they manage to create the formula and sell it to the city they could be in danger" replied Nick. Now it all made sense. There's a reason they're hiding out in obscurity, the work on such preparations is certainly expensive... And illegal.

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