Chapter 50: Game

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Chapter 50: The game

In the evening, after dinner when most had managed to hole up in their rooms so that they could have some time alone to rest and sleep for the next day, Judy persuaded Suzanne to let her borrow her laptop so that she could review the photos she had received from Commander Bogo. Suzanne agreed, but forced a few conditions on her sister that she had to accept in order to gain access to the computer. Suzanne first asked that she be allowed to sit next to Judy at all times while Judy analyzed the photos. Judy had warned her that these might be drastic scenes, but the slightly younger sister didn't seem impressed. It was apparent from her that she would love to get into Judy's shoes by being able to watch her work. With that Judy had no problem, the second condition was that she explain who exactly Nick was. Here Judy resisted, wondering if she really wanted to do this, but decided that if she was going to tell then she saw no problem in doing so. After accepting the terms after dinner they both went to the younger sister's room to analyse.

Suzanne's room was quite in a dark, modernist style. The combination of white walls and black murals gave the impression that it was a modernistic place, but at the same time it was a somewhat gloomy room seeing as it was generally dominated by these two contrasting colours between each other. A large desk standing next to the window provided space for Suzanne's laptop and was a good place to do homework or study. To the left of the desk was a white wardrobe that fitted perfectly into the corner of the room. Behind the desk against the wall was a soft bed, also in black and white, which blended in with the style. Judy could see the contrast between her vibrant, colourful room and Suzanne's dark and somewhat cold one, she didn't want to talk about it. She just wanted to do her job.

Judy took the laptop from her sister, then placed it on the desk. She turned on the lamp that stood on the top of the furniture. A slight yellowish light doused the desk top. Its light perfectly highlighted the range of vision as she stared at the laptop screen, which was quite bright. Judy turned down the brightness of the screen and brought the lamp a little closer so that it illuminated a larger work area. Suzanne at the same time was looking for a chair for herself so that she could sit next to her sister until she finally found a leather armchair that stood in front of the dresser, on which stood the mirror at which she sometimes painted herself for school. Judy, meanwhile, logged on to her computer and to her work mail where she received documents and other files she needed for work. She saw an email from Bogo with 4 attachments, the title "Suicide" emphasized that this was definitely it

"Suicide?" Suzanne repeated with slight concern when she saw the headline of the email.

"Welcome to the Police. Are you sure you want to see this?" Judy replied and asked her sisters straight away just to be sure. Suzanne was still sure of her answer and all she did was nod with a motion of her head. Judy downloaded the four pictures onto her computer then opened them. Their gaze was shocked to see a fox lying unconscious on the ground with its eyes closed, traces of blood were visible from its mouth. His orange jacket was slightly bloodied, as was his grey sweatshirt. All around him a pool of blood, not yet completely dried out caused the sisters to get goosebumps at the sight. They both fainted at this sight which left them at a loss for what to say, only Suzanne plucked up the courage to break the moment of silence.

"So what should you do with these photos?" Suzanne asked with slight disgust.

"Analyse what you see in the photos. Catch any detail that might be important to the case," replied Judy. Although they both didn't want to look at it any longer Judy zoomed the picture in on the body that was in the foreground of the photos. Doe laughed as she saw her sister looking through her fingers at the photos that still gave her a sense of dread.

"How good that we locked ourselves in a room " said Judy throwing a pinched irony towards her sister. After that she concentrated on the photographs that had been sent. At first glance nothing seemed to look at anything more closely. There were no signs of gunshot impact or wounds that could have been inflicted from a firearm, the fact that the body had a few bruises and a bruised head, but Judy assumed in advance that this was due to a fall from a bridge. The only thing that might have puzzled Judy was the question of why the person didn't have any evidence on them and couldn't they be indentified straight away?

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