Chapter 29: Face to Face

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Chapter 29: Face to Face

"Your mum seems like a nice lady," Judy said as they drove the police car up the highway toward Zootopia. The task for tonight was done, now they could return to the station with a sense of pride and accomplishment of their task, where they were to take back the evidence and data they had collected and await their next orders, which they would most likely get the next day.
" know, my mum has always been... my best friend. Not that I didn't have them heh, I just felt I could tell her everything and she would understand everything" replied the fox calmly. Once he was past visiting his family home a calm and relaxed look bloomed on his face. Ever since they had crossed the borders of the fox's neighbourhood a grimace had appeared on his face which indicated that he was stressed or it meant that he did not want to be here. Now that it was over you could see that he liked the fact that he could leave this place.
"Why did you break contact with her ? I understand with my dad but..."
"You know Judy..." Interrupted Nick for Judy pointing his finger for her to be silent for a moment. Judy obeyed with slight surprise closing her mouth.
"Curiosity pays dividends until you ask counter-intuitive questions. You asked me a dozen of them in one night. I promised I'd tell you everything at home, and you still want to know as much as possible," Nick accused. His voice did not sound pleased, the girl could see that the fox was not joking. When he tells a joke moments after finishing it he himself starts laughing giving a sign that it is just a joke. Now, however, Nick with his eyes fixed on the roadway accused Judy of curiosity.
"I just wanted to help you...I thought if you told me you'd feel better" replied Judy quietly. She felt remorseful, she wanted the best for her boyfriend, not to irritate or further hurt him. However, how could she have predicted that such questions would upset Nick?
"If I upset you then I'm sorry..." Judy added a moment later. The word sorry for a rabbit came very easily to her throat, she had no trouble using it compared to most people in society who had most likely already forgotten the existence of such a word.
"You don't have to apologize to me, Judy, I appreciate what you do for me, just don't ask about things I'm not comfortable with, okay? If I feel the need to talk about them I will ask you to talk to me" Nick communicated. Judy nodded with a movement of her head turning towards the window resting her head on it. They were both seriously affected by the tiredness they were already feeling quite strongly. It had been a very long night for them, the cold temperature causing their bodies to have to expend more energy to warm up. Moreover, running away from a group of enraged foxes also made them more tired than they would have assumed.
"Good thing we're back now... I don't know if I would have been able to Interrogate more people" Judy said quietly looking at the passing lamps dotted around the road. With the speed that the policemen were moving the lamp points were yellow, or orange streaks of light.

"To be honest, it was one of the longer nights of my life" replied Nick. He corrected his position a dozen times during the ride, and had to refresh his head regularly with dynamic head movements.
"Out of curiosity, could you check what time it is?" The fox asked. Judy took out her phone so she could check the time, she herself was also interested. She opened her eyes wide when she saw 2.40 a.m.
"It's 2.40 a.m."
"So late! Ah see, the police profession has its downsides too," said Nick.
"Well, at least we don't have a 48h limit" replied Judy, laughing. It took Fox several seconds to understand what she meant, but when he managed to associate the facts, he laughed too, nodding at her joke.
"We may not, but the newbies sure have it tough."
"What do you mean?" Judy asked curiously. Her fatigue was so bad that she was now driving with her head leaning against the window with her eyes closed.
"Did you see that new guy at the front desk?"
"That boy?" Judy asked.
"Yes, he's just starting and already he's had a problem with Commander Bogo. That's called a record, I don't think I even had that..."
"You haven't, but to pull off a prank like you did on the commandant takes guts," pointed out Judy.
"Let's just say I don't much care if the commandant likes me. He's just doing his job" replied Nick. His natural, neutral approach to others might seem strange to some, or even repulsive, but one has to remember that with such a lifestyle, it's easier for a fox to come to terms with the loss of someone you had very close to you. At least that's what Judy thought in her head as they continued to drive to the police station. It seemed to her that at times she even squatted because, when she opened her crocus eyes they were in a different place. Nick most likely didn't see it or didn't feel like talking because he didn't pay a single attention for the rabbit and knowing his nature he would have immediately pointed it out for his partner in a humorous way. At times it was hard to decipher from the fox's words whether he was really speaking or joking, he seemed to have mastered speaking issues really well. Fortunately for others, his face betrayed almost his every intention, he couldn't help but show emotion on his slick face, even when he wasn't saying he was depressed, Judy knew it, his green emerald eyes were too telling.

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