Chapter 40: Gas

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The night for Judy and Nick was quiet considering what had been going on for the last few days. They were too tired and busy to have any time to themselves, mainly due to the fact that they were called to the station extremely early and had no moment of rest, they had to be on alert all the time. Judy was additionally tired of thinking about Caroline and about the fact that she might take Nick away from her. Although the fox reassured her, she continued to have suspicions about her, but after last night's conversation she decided not to be jealous or at least not to show it in public so as not to be perceived negatively. She understood the fact that she was Nick's former girlfriend, but the sight of her, her pretty snow white smile made her herself unsure if she could trust Nick, but she was doing it. No matter what he might say Judy believed him, she herself didn't know if it was because of his character and looks or the skill of persuasion the fox had in him since their first meeting. It was hard to really make that clear.

The next day, as Nick and Judy drove towards the station, the fox recounted exactly what had happened during his meeting with Caroline. Every time the doe heard her name she felt a little tipsy, but she didn't show it, just continued to listen with great attention to what her boyfriend had to say about it.

"So some fox walks around talking to guests and then just leaves like that? Quite security doesn't react?" Asked Judy after listening to Nick's story.

"Well, apparently not...anyway, there's no reason to stop him. He's not behaving very...suspiciously. Yes, walking between guests is not something every customer does, but it's not grounds for arrest," Nick replied. Judy nodded with a movement of her head. She wondered in her mind how they could catch a guest that most likely already knew they were looking for him? They'd had one chance, which apparently hadn't been taken.

"We agreed yesterday that we would hide near the restaurant and when he entered we would step in and stop him," Nick added.

"How can you be sure he will? After what you guys did he might not come in anymore..." Pointed out Judy.

"We have to try Judy...we have to try" sighed Nick heavily.

On reaching the police station, Commander Bogo was waiting as always in his office where he spent most of his day. James, the young aspirant indicated his location as always being behind his desk, since Clawhauser has been on leave the main hall has become suspiciously quiet and peaceful. There was always the sound of crushed petals when walking down this corridor, or the high-pitched voice of a cheetah telling his jokes to passing police officers. That was missing now, and everyone seemed to have managed to take notice.

"When will Clawhauser be back?" Asked Nick as he approached James, who was tapping away at his keyboard as he did every day. He raised his eyes lazily and looked at the fox.

"He should be here tomorrow. I really don't understand how you can work like this," James replied. He took a sip of coffee then returned to his work.

'Good thing Clawhauser will be back soon' thought Nick. He didn't have anything against the young man, but he seemed a little...stiff. Nothing personal, but James seemed like someone who preferred to be alone.

When Nick and Judy knocked on the door of the commandant's office, they heard an invitation to enter. The commandant was already waiting in the office, holding two small suitcases on his desk, which made the two officers curious at the entrance. Nevertheless, they sat down in their seats listening to what Bogo had to say.

"Listen. Nick knows exactly what happened yesterday and I have some rather important news for you. I had a conversation with the mayor last night, he doesn't like the fact can't see the results of our work"

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