Chapter 41: Hospital

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Chapter 41: Hospital

"Where is she... Judy? Judy! There you are! Come on, wake up, wake up!" Voices came from the closed restaurant.

After the poisonous gas explosion, everyone who was in the restaurant lost consciousness for at least a few hours.

As Judy began to regain consciousness she still had a muffled feeling, most likely from the explosion of the two grenades she had noticed just before they detonated. She could hear the sounds of various sirens in the background, police, fire and ambulance sirens, she could hear someone calling her but she couldn't tell who was doing it and she didn't quite know what it was all about yet. Eventually she felt a touch on her shoulders and a moment later she noticed the familiar face of a cheetah who helped her up. She still had a strong weakness that did not allow her to rise on her own strength.

"Cl... Clawhauser?" Judy asked quietly. Her weak voice made it clear how bad a condition she was in. This was not good information. She had to squint her eyes to see anything, the light and glare from the sirens meant that her eyes were not yet used to this level of illumination and she felt pain and glare.

"Yes it's me, let's get out of here" replied Clawhauser quietly. He took her by the arm and helped her up, then they both headed towards the exit.

When they managed to leave the premises, Judy saw that they had been unconscious for at least a dozen hours, because it was already a starry, cold night. Several fire trucks and police cars stood surrounding the entire area. Behind them, a large group of spectators gathered to watch the action from behind and murmur among themselves as more victims were brought out. Some were examined on the spot and some were taken to hospital. As the doe was being led out she saw firemen and police officers, all wearing gas masks. They were all helping others to come out of the poisoned building, which had already been sealed with tape and was being cleaned of the poisonous substance. Commander Bogo and Caroline were already there, staring pityingly at Judy, who was barely taking step after step being held up by Clawhauser.

"What happened there Judy? Are you all right?" Commander Bogo asked, once Clawhauser had managed to walk Judy over to the police car where the two commanders were standing.

"That fox we're looking for. He used poison gas to make us unconscious. I saw two grenades fly towards us, but it was too late...where is Nick anyway?" Judy asked quietly. The two commanders looked at each other with confused eyes, Judy felt embarrassed at the situation. Their blank faces indicated that they didn't know where he was. If they don't know where Nick is, where could he be?"

"Our functionaries are still checking the area, but so far there is no trace of either Nick or the fox that did this" Bogo communicated. He lowered his gaze to the ground, trying not to look at the sad, depressed expression on his face, which looked even worse through the cold. Judy herself didn't know what to say in this situation. How could it be that Nick had disappeared? Just him? The information about the absence of his partner made her feel...strange. She was confused, but most of all she was distraught by the fact.

"How is this possible? Is he the only one who has disappeared? " Judy asked. Caroline looked at the notes she had received from one of the functionaries. She looked through two pages of the document, then put the entries down on the car's mac.

"Yes, just him. The rest are, they're being transported to hospital," Caroline replied.

"Tell us exactly what happened there?" Bogo asked. Judy with Clawhauser's help got into the police car leaning out of the door so she could tell. She felt bad, very bad and it showed. She could barely keep on her feet, sitting down she almost didn't fall. The headaches were so bad that she had trouble keeping in touch with the outside world. She felt like she would lose consciousness in a moment but an inner strength allowed her to keep in touch with the world.

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