Chapter 5: Separation

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Chapter 5: Separation

By the time Nick had finished his espresso and quickly dressed the clothes that had fallen into his paws from the wardrobe, they were ready to drive out from under the block. The car stood safely parked in the underground garage, so there was no way it would be frozen.
"Wow, when did you wrap all those presents?" asked Judy seeing that all the packages were already inside the vehicle.
"Last night. You were already asleep by then" replied Nick opening the door for the rabbit inside.
"Aww Nick, thank you so much " said Judy kissing him on the cheek , then she got inside. Nick did too, then started the car and put it in first gear driving out of the garage.
After firing up the radio, Christmas music immediately blasted into their ears. It was the magic of Christmas. Joyful Christmas music was always something that improved the mood for Judy. Everyone enjoyed listening to these songs, it was mainly thanks to them that everyone got into the Christmas spirit. The roads were practically empty. It was very early, so there were no traffic jams, only in the city centre did Nick and Judy meet a few other vehicles on the road. There was a fair bit of frost outside, although the car didn't freeze, it was quite cold inside until it warmed up. It was the comfort for which Nick had spent the tens of thousands of dollars he earned honestly as a police officer (although he spent most of the money anyway from savings from scams, but he said for Judy it was his savings). It was an enjoyable 20 minute ride through the entire Zootopia. Usually, the pleasant ride through Zootopia ended after we left the garage, because then the traffic began, which in the city was from early morning and even at night there were times when you could stand still for several minutes. On the outskirts of the city it was much better. If there had been better weather conditions, Nick would probably have accelerated using more power from the powerful V6 engine which would have immediately displeased Judy who would have told him to slow down, claiming that Nick was breaking the law. Fox was a one-of-a-kind police officer and she knew it very well. Although he was supposed to make sure others obeyed the law he himself didn't quite do it. When they arrived, the clock read 5.50 a.m. Judy's blue and white train was already at its berth waiting for passengers who were already waiting on the platform. Nick parked as close to the train as he could, the luggage space was already purchased, the baggage handlers were to wrap all the presents.
"Well, I guess that's your train " said Nick as they stopped seeing the several dozen foot long machine. Judy looked through the car window, there was a blue white train on the tracks on platform number 5 and the number on it was 33.
"Yes, that's him," Judy said. They sat in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. This separation was crushing them. They would miss each other and they knew it.
"Hopsiu" began Nick uncertainly, to which Judy pointed out.
"Well, this may be silly, but I have one request."
"What's that?"
"Don't forget about me..." Nick replied.
"Oh, Nick, of course I won't ! How could you think I would forget you like that?"
"Ugh...I honestly don't know, you're too smart a rabbit to forget about me " laughed Nick.
"My sly fox" giggled Judy.
"Ok, why don't we go now, you're still going to miss your train" sighed the fox. They both got out of the car, with Judy heading straight for the platform and Nick with the locos to help carry the load onto the train's rack. Judy couldn't wait for the train doors to open and was about to embark on the journey to her family. Apart from her there were a few other people waiting for the train. It was the first train of the day to go through the village where Judy grew up. The next one was not until the afternoon. She and her parents had agreed that she would come to them first thing in the morning, and she was ready to help them prepare their house for Christmas. They had quite a large family, so any extra pair of paws to help would be most welcome. When Nick had finished packing things along with the locos he walked over to the rabbit and waited with her until the train was ready to depart and set off. The station staff were just cleaning the train and checking the vehicle's systems to be sure that the passengers would be safe and that they would have a pleasant journey on their train line.
"Are you stressed?" asked Nick to which Judy nodded with a movement of her head.
"Very! It's been a long time since I've seen them live, I can feel the stress but also the excitement. It's a shame you won't be able to visit your relatives. Next year I'll watch the house and you can visit your relatives," Judy said, to which Nick responded with a slight smile.
"A year is a bit long to plan. Let's focus on the present. Relax and enjoy the holidays." Nick replied.
"It won't be the same without you," said Judy.
"Hey, that's what we have the internet for right? Besides, as you said yourself it's only a week's time" replied Nick with a smile that he gave to Judy. He knew exactly how to make her feel better, she loved his ironic humour that many wouldn't understand.
"Train number 33 is now ready, passengers please board"
A communication voice came from the sirens. It was that time already. The train doors opened and passengers began to board taking their seats.
"It's that time " said Nick. Judy reflexively hugged Nick as hard as she could. She wanted to feel his sculpted body one last time. She would miss him.
"Hehe, I'll miss you too. One last kiss?" asked Nick bending down to look straight into her big, beautiful violet eyes.
"Nick, you know after all we can't..."
"Why? I don't see anyone" replied Nick looking around the platform. In fact, everyone who was supposed to get on the train had already done so. All that was left was Judy. She sighed, then pulled the fox into a final kiss.
"I love you Judy."
"I love you Nick...Hold on" Judy said after the kiss. It was their last sweet kiss before their week long separation. When they finished kissing, Judy turned away from him , then headed for the white and blue machine, she boarded the train taking the window seat she had booked in advance. It was Judy's habit to plan everything, so she ordered her ticket a week before the trip to be sure nothing sudden would happen. Nick pulled his paw out of his pocket and waved at Judy, who reciprocated the motion by waving him through the window. It was the last moment to say goodbye. Moments later the train slowly took off, the horn of the machine blew loudly, it began to roll slowly forward and the doors closed. Nick was left alone on the platform watching the train disappear behind drifts of snow.

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