Chapter 21: Work

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Chapter 21: Work

The rest of the afternoon, Nick and Judy spent mostly in each other's arms enjoying themselves. For a long time they hadn't done that, they longed to touch their bodies with each other, longed to touch each other. Although it might seem that a week is not a long time, appearances could be treacherous, just like with the rabbit and the fox. Fortunately, they now had time to catch up on their cuddling and love making. By the time evening came and it was getting dark outside the windows, they had watched a romantic film together, colloquially called a drama by Nick to irritate Judy as she had chosen it. The watching consisted mainly of Judy lying down being leaned against Nick's body watching the film, and Nick accosting her the whole time scratching her gently behind her ears where she liked. She was ashamed to admit it, but her quiet grunts signifying that she was comfortable betrayed her. The film was about a couple in love with each other who couldn't be with each other because of their social statuses. (Something along the lines that the man represented too high a social status, compared to the woman) This film strongly resembled the current situation of Nick and Judy, who, like the main characters in the film, hid their feelings from others.

"Just Carrots" turned Nick drawing the attention of Judy, who glared at Nick with slightly glassy eyes. Fox guessed that the rabbit was starting to get carried away with his emotions because of the movie, but he wanted to focus on the subject that had been bothering him for days.

"Have you talked to your parents? I mean with my mum I know, but with my dad..."

"Well... let's just say I haven't had much time..." Replied Judy thoughtfully.

"You haven't had time?" Repeated with distrust Nick lowering his eyebrows. This perplexed the rabbit, who for a moment didn't know what to say.

"Well...I... ekh, I was just talking to my mum"


"Oh, when mum said she would be able to accept it I was so happy I didn't think of anything else! Anyway, you know, I think mum has already talked to dad about it..."

"I hope so too..." Nick sighed thoughtfully. He wasn't entirely convinced of the sincerity of his partner's words, but he didn't want to start an unnecessary argument anymore. As Judy settled herself comfortably on his body, the fox started scratching her ears back.

After the film screening, which ended an hour later, it was already getting dark outside. Frost began to stick to the walls, a cold, pinching wind began to blow and the first stars began to appear in the sky. Nick and Judy headed to their bedroom together so they could get some rest. After all, it had been quite a long day, and they had to get up early the next day - the police station was already waiting for them. Lying on the bed, the partners talked to each other for another half hour or so before Judy became even more sleepy.

"Ah, poor rabbit... slept so many hours and still wants to sleep..."

"hah, come on Nicki, it's just that sometimes you need a longer rest" replied Judy to which Nick nodded with a movement of his head. He turned towards Judy for a moment more to kiss her gently on the forehead before going to bed. After the kiss, Judy laughed innocently and then brought her small lips close to his lips connecting them. Nick felt surprised by the rabbit's movement, but he wasn't about to let go for his partner. He gained confidence and their tongues began to compete with each other for dominance. Their actual kiss lasted about a minute before their tongues stopped fighting for dominance and they separated.

"I missed that too... good night Nicki," Judy said, then turned away from Fox.

The next day, as the sun barely peeked out from behind the horizon, its first rays began to illuminate Zootopia, the two officers, Nick and Judy were already in the car and heading towards their police station, which was located in the heart of Zootopia. Although they had to get up quite early, even before it was light outside the windows, they didn't mind. They felt a kind of excitement to get back to their daily activities that they enjoyed doing together again.

"You know, it's quite a strange feeling to want to go there" laughed Nick as he spoke to Judy.

"Believe you're not the only one...I missed it"


"For all of it! Yes, it was nice to get away to the countryside, but when I came back I immediately realised how much I missed it all. The police that crowd, the evenings in Zootopia...ah, and of course you" laughed Judy. Fox smiled warmly at these words.

"Hehe, I wonder if our commandant missed us"

"Oh come on, you know how he is... though I hope he'll be gentle with us today at least" replied Judy with seriousness. Commander Bogo wasn't one of the nicest people, he had a rather average reputation at the station, people tried to avoid him when it came to conversation due to the fact that he was often mean.

"Well, maybe he'll have a rabbit heart today" laughed the fox. As he pulled out at one of the junctions leading to the town's main road, Nick and Judy could see the police station they were heading for. There were already about a dozen cars around it, they could safely assume that they would be the last ones to arrive.

When Nick and Judy went to the police station in their dark navy blue uniforms with the shiny badge on their chest they were immediately greeted by friends or colleagues. Already everyone was at the station, waiting for Commander Bogo to arrive soon to give the tasks for today. Some were sipping their morning coffee, some were impatiently entering the courtroom already, and some were chatting with each other in the corridor at the entrance of the courtroom. It was striking 8.15 a.m. and it was customary for meetings to start at 8.30. a.m. and usually last half an hour. Judy and Nick decided to use this time to make themselves a morning coffee so that they could stimulate themselves. They didn't drink it first thing in the morning because, as it turned out, they had fallen asleep a little too much and got up perfectly to have a small breakfast and leave. They didn't want to be late on their first day of work after Christmas, it would reflect badly on their grade.

When their brisk drink was ready, they both went to see Clawhauser, who was sitting at his workstation as usual, going through documents and typing something into the computer.

"Hey Clawhauser!" Nick greeted as he approached the cheetah's desk. Clawhauser hearing his friend's voice stopped the process of filling out the documents. He stood up from his chair and shook hands for Judy and Nick.

"How was your time off? You must have had a good rest" the cheetah asked.

"Yeah...too bad it's over, it was nice to sleep longer like about you? When are you off?"

"It just so happens that today is my last day at work and I'm running away," replied Clawhauser proudly.

"To the countryside, to my family...ah, I can't wait! I'll finally sleep longer like you guys" added the cheetah happily. His job was not the easiest. Despite the fact that he did not do anything practically, he was always the first to arrive at the police station and the last to leave. His work was mentally exhausting, so that even though he didn't move much his head felt heavy at the end. However, thanks to his naturally cheerful approach to work, he never lost his enthusiasm for the job.

"Who will replace you during this time?" Asked the rabbit curiously.

"Some new guy...his name is Jam...James I think, something like that. Whatever, some new guy. " Replied Clawhauser turning back to his papers when he spotted the Commandant in the distance down the corridor.

"Better go now, he's probably starting a trial... believe me, you don't want to be late on your first day" Clawhauser said typing the data into the computer again. Next to him there was already an over-eaten piece of doughnut waiting on the desk top. They both said goodbye to Clawhauser and then headed towards the room where Bogo was conducting the meetings. As they entered the room they immediately spotted the commandant, who was standing in front of all the officers and it was clear he was waiting for someone.

"Well, finally. Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, I thought we wouldn't see you again" the Commander pointed out. Nick was most likely to respond with a verbal retort, but he didn't want to build up a strained relationship between him and the Commander right from the start. He laughed modestly and, together with Judy, waited for the Commandant to return to the proper subject. Everyone gathered was waiting for that.

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