Chapter 16: Christmas

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Chapter 16: Christmas

The last day before Christmas Eve was dull in terms of tasks completed, there was nothing interesting to do other than clean up. The only interesting activity Judy had was to dress the Christmas tree. This gave her a lot of fun and joy, because she felt like a child again, letting her creative imagination to decorate the tree as much as she could. Unfortunately, she had to hold back a bit because she also had to let her younger sisters and brothers join in the fun. Judy would have loved to do it herself, but out of politeness she didn't dare forbid them. The rest of the day was mainly focused on cleaning, and as Judy kept her room clean all the time, instead of keeping an eye on her own room she helped out for the younger siblings. This drew much approval and praise from her parents.

During the night before Christmas Judy talked to Nick taking advantage of the fact that most likely everyone was asleep. They talked to each other about various topics, Judy asking about the Christmas tree that Nick was supposed to send and how he had done as requested by sending a photo of the carefully (as befits a boy) Christmas tree for her. It was mostly white, a soft colour that blended in with the milky walls that surrounded them. Their conversation ended when Judy turned her attention to the door, which, at some point, swung open suspiciously, which Judy decided to check. Without saying anything to Nick she took off her headphones, and trying to be as quiet as possible she walked to the door. When she swung them open she was surprised to see one of her 16 year old sisters, Suzanne, behind them. The girl of medium height with green eyes looked at Judy in surprise not knowing what to say when she met Judy, but also on her face was revealed a certain excitement probably curiosity about who her sister was talking to in such a way.

"What are you doing here? Why are you awake?" Judy asked.

"I couldn't sleep and I heard you talking to someone...who was it?"

"It was...a colleague from work. Now go to bed. I'll go too"

"You were talking strangely, as if it was someone else..."

"You think it was. Now go to sleep. You need to rest," Judy replied, to which Suzanne nodded with a motion of her head and headed for her room. Judy stayed at the door until Suzanne closed her door and heard the moment it closed.

"'This is what happens when you don't lock your door' thought an irritated Judy as she locked her door. She got back on her bed. Saying nothing to Nick about what had happened she apologised to him, wished him well and hung up. She put the phone back on the bedside table and as she said for Suzanne, she fell asleep snuggling into the velvet sheets.

Christmas Day was a busy one for the Hopps family from early morning. Waking up at 8a.m. didn't do everyone any good, some would have preferred to sleep a little more, if that was possible. Everyone first and foremost had to take a bath, so Bonnie ordered (even though everyone took an evening one on the last day), then everyone had to take a bath, and for 2 bathrooms with 378 people this can take quite a while. Judy, when she had nothing to do, first went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and coffee to stimulate herself. Last night she had slept moderately well. Perhaps it was because she had talked to Nick for over 3 hours last night, or because she often thought about the fact that Suzanne had caught her talking to Nick and she might talk herself out for her parents, which she certainly didn't want to do. The main thing was for her not to say anything to anyone.

It was quite freezing outside and a chilly, pinching wind was blowing, so no one was even thinking about going outside, at least at this time. The house was warm and cosy, the cooker on fire generating heat for the whole house.

After breakfast, Judy helped for her mother to help with the dishes so she would have a lighter meal. Bonnie was very proud of her daughter for being so willing to help her with her daily chores giving her much relief and help. When the dishes were washed Judy had a moment, sat in the leather armchair and read a book by the heated cooker, watching the occasional movement that took place in the kitchen and living room (the cooker was at the turn of the kitchen and living room). It was nice to see someone coming down the stairs, someone coming up them, someone doing something in the living room, and someone else doing something in the kitchen. It made Judy smile warmly at the sight, which was sweet to her. While Judy was reading The Prisoner of Labyrinth, at one point Suzanne, who had been standing over Judy until Judy noticed her, approached her. She put the book down quietly on her knee, on the page she had stopped on

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