Chapter 45: Home

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"It is good that you are here already, I am pleased to be able to hand you this discharge for your daughter. Remember she is to rest for a week, no exertion, just relax and rest" the doctor said as he handed the papers to Stu. With slight uncertainty the rabbit took the papers from the fox. He was frightened by the doctor's eyes, which were suffused with confidence and predation. The rabbit's gaze was always gentle and rather submissive.

"Yes, thank you for treating our daughter, very kind of you," Stuu replied.

"It's my duty, it's unusual to see a rabbit where we are. Good luck in your search for your friend Mrs Hopps, may you find him" replied the doctor. After saying goodbye to Judy he withdrew from the patient's bed to go to the already most likely next patient who was waiting for him.

"What friend?" Asked Bonnie curiously as the doctor left them. Judy sighed heavily as she tried to get up. Two days in bed had caused her to have some trouble keeping her balance, but with the help of her parents she managed to stay on her feet and headed for the exit.

"I'll tell you everything in detail at let's get out of here at last" replied Judy.

"And you'll have to change that could use a wash" replied Bonnie. The doe's navy blue uniform showed some signs of use and some dirt that had built up over the past few days. Judy as a patient didn't want to change into anything else, luckily for her she didn't stay too long.

"First of all I could use a real refreshing bath...yeez, just the thought of it makes me shiver!" Replied Judy flinching a little at the thought of a relaxing bath. She couldn't wait to touch the warm sparkling foam on her body.

Before they could leave the hospital, they had to go to the first floor where the prescription room was located, where patient discharge was possible. In general the whole hospital looked quite nice and pleasant, the cool walls of the block were decorated with wood panels that gave a friendly environment and the brown coloured ceiling also meant that the floor was not in such cool colours as the observation room. You might think that this would be a better place for an observation room than those, because of the sense of spirit that this floor gives.

"Good morning, we are discharging Judy Hopps. Doctor's discharge here" Stuu said as he made his way to the receptionist who stood behind the desk. Judy and Boonie were standing a few feet behind them talking about something. Bonnie handed a jacket for Judy to put on. It had been quite freezing outside the whole time, and the doe was not about to go out in temperatures that were dangerous to her health. She would only be outside for about a dozen seconds by the time she got to the car, but you know how rabbits are, they are very thoughtful... maybe even too much. In the meantime, the vixen took the document from the rabbit without saying anything, ran her eyes over the letters that were written in the card, then stamped the card with her stamp before handing the card back to Stuu with a quick flick of her wrist.

"Please pass on for Mrs Hopps good luck" the receptionist said quietly.

"Thank you..." Replied Stuu with uncertainty. He walked thoughtfully away from the reception desk heading towards the exit where Judy and Bonnie were already waiting for him. Good luck with what? Again he felt surprised not knowing what it was all about, but he didn't want to ask for details of the vixen who had nailed him with the document, she didn't seem the friendliest. Instead he walked over to Judy and Bonnie and showed the nailed down document showing that they could leave the hospital in peace now. They headed towards the stairs to descend to the ground floor of the hospital where the exit was located.

"The receptionist said to tell you good luck Judy...what is this all about? "

"Oh Dad, I told you I would explain everything when we got home. Now please, I want to at least be at peace for a little while...just fight my thoughts" replied Judy. Stuu at his daughter's request decided not to ask her anything more, but in his head he couldn't wait to find out what everyone was talking about so much and wouldn't tell him.

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