Chapter 48: Sleep

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"Hello...Is anyone here? Can anyone hear me?" Judy's sound echoed through the empty, snow-white hallway the doe was in. The blank, sad walls echoed, carrying on into the infinity of time practically never ending.

"Where am I anyway? What is this place?" Thought Judy looking around her. Behind her she could see a black space that looked like some kind of abyss that could suck in anything that got in its way. Rabbit turned uncertainly towards the corridor. She couldn't see the end of it, it was as dark there as it was behind her. She was wearing her police uniform that she always wore when she went on patrol.

"This looks...a bit like a hospital," Judy considered. Although she couldn't see much detail, she noticed pale, slightly yellowish lamps on the ceiling of the corridor which resembled the lamps that were usually found in hospitals. She didn't see any doors or windows, she didn't smell anything, she didn't feel cold or warm. She was in some kind of enclosed room that seemed to be some kind of simulation that forced Judy to go ahead. Even though she couldn't see anything she felt some kind of anxiety, a fear that prevented her from going forward even though she felt she had to. After swallowing hard, she headed deeper into the dark corridor, which seemed to be an endless room.

Walking slowly forward looking around at every step she realized that there was nothing around her, she was really alone, the question was where? The place looked completely alien, she did not recall having ever been in a similar location before, this looked like something completely new to her.

After walking forward a few metres there was a bang of a door closing behind her back, causing the rabbit to shout turning around behind her.

"Yeez!" Shouted Judy turning around behind her. The sight of the steel hospital door behind her caused her heart to work at practically top speed, the successful surprise caused Judy to revert back to her fear of walking forward, but she had no choice. Touching the door handle and pushing on it she realised that the door was locked and she would not be able to force it open. She moved on towards the darkness, which began to recede from Judy's perspective. It seemed to her that the end of the corridor was moving backwards, away from her. It was strange - even though she had no idea where she was, she wasn't afraid to keep moving forward, even though she didn't know what awaited her next.

After walking a dozen meters or so, she noticed a glass door on her left, with light coming from it, which caught the doe's attention.

"Maybe I'll find something interesting here" thought Judy. Trying not to make any noise she headed towards the slightly ajar glass door through which the light was coming. As time passed, she thought she could see the end of the corridor, but that was not the most important thing for her now. She approached the door, where she could see very little due to the glass, which was cloudy. Leaning out from behind the door she couldn't see much either, just a piece of equipment, most likely a lamp, which was most likely the source of the light coming out of the hall.

'I think I need to come in here' thought Judy. Her heart was working fast all the time, stress combined with nervousness causing her paws to shake slightly as she pushed the door open so she could get inside.

As she stepped inside the room, she noticed a hospital bed on which lay what was probably an object covered with a white cloth reflecting the light from a lamp hanging over the bed. Seeing no other way out, Judy headed towards the bed, distrustfully glancing around her watching her every step. Her instincts told her to be careful and, if anything, to be prepared to run quickly. The feeling of unease was still the same, maybe even greater when she was closer to the bed and noticed that there was a figure covered on it. This caused Judy to approach the bed, which was in an empty room, with even more anxiety. Upon approaching the side of the bed she couldn't tell who was lying under the fabric and her fear prevented her from touching the fabric, she couldn't even extend her hands to the height of the bed, she had them at her hips the whole time. However, she soon turned her attention to a protruding tip in the middle of the fabric, shaped like a snout, the snout of a fox.

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